In Relation to the "TT Meet-Up" Idea I Have Been Mentioning...


Dec 24, 2013
N. California
Tinnitus Since
(1956) > 1980 > 2006 > 2012 > (2015)
Cause of Tinnitus
Ac. Trauma & Ac.Trauma + Meds.
This really sort of belongs in my initial thread that @Markku "pegged" at the top of the Support Page here, as he must have thought it was important...and refuses to take it down as of yet. *(Hugs Markku!)

Anyway, maybe I also owe people an explanation for some of my more cryptic comments about folks getting way ahead of themselves talking "locations and venues" for a meet-up that, to my mind, was waaaaay getting ahead of the realities of what I had in mind for a "meeting", or the likelihood of any of that even happening.
Indeed, there is nothing wrong with putting up pretty pictures of nice places where it would be cool to actually see and hug other T sufferers, etc. but Geeezuz, when you consider just geographic locations of us all...the logistics alone are daunting! Thus, my interim suggestion for doing new, "Geographical or large metropolitan areas Regional Threads" at a minimum, and thus keeping the main overall thread I had written "on topic" and not side-tracked with only one 'item' and something that would never happen.

My firm opinion (and see how much work @attheedgeofscience has put into this aspect of actually 'doing stuff in the real world v. just posting information about doing stuff), is that a "proper" Meet-up as I envisioned it in the original post - which has the words: long term T folks; still hurting; suffering, etc... is it has to cater to serious T folks who cannot go to cities, or restaurants, or public places, and so forth, without extreme caution or fear. And that is not what we want for a "place" for a winding down of our already stressful existences living with this darn affliction. Just the travel alone could be incredibly daunting, so it is critical to have a place of respite to "recover in". Etc., etc., etc.

So, as the mood seemed to be getting a bit more upbeat and light (which is not how even a simple trip to a grocery store is for me - or others implied above)...I sort of decided to set up an organizing structure "in private" first, with a few other folks plus Markku, then later present that as a starting point.
The premise being, a serious more longer term meet-up, than just getting together for a day in NYC or whatever, would take a tremendous amount of planning and work...and this would all be pure blow-off waste of energy if the initial structure was not enticing, and possible, and REAL enough to draw members into actually committing to it.
I have organized this type of thing before, and if you do not have a pretty darn good list of ideas about why one is having such a meeting, what the hopes are, or even the basic daily outline of how it might look...forget about "place". As one cannot even consider that yet. I mean think about it! What if only 5 people committed to meeting versus say 20 people?! Huge difference in possible venue impact right there, let alone region in the world and so forth.
And how do you get to know how many people might commit??? You have to explain just what you hope to do, achieve, come away with, and so on...notwithstanding simple critical things like: Uhhhhh...what may this cost in monetary terms?!

You seeing this??? If we have the groundwork done, THEN we may even be able to be specific enough to zero in on a region, or request of the wider T community, and maybe even have a millionaire benefactor offer a pro bono spa, or rural estate, or camping site, or god a "place" to consider.

Apart from informal, "feel good", more local get-togethers - which are totally a cool idea...talking place, is well, a waste of thread space right now. To me.

OK lastly, and somewhat of a "downer" after all that - but also exactly the kinds of limitations I am talking about in the real world of trying to do something like this!!!
I am on hold with any organizing of this "meet-up" due to yet another increase in my tinnitus volume, as of a 3 hour speakerphone-call with a TT member this past Tuesday night. Of course, at the time I did not know I was being "damaged", but after the fact it was obvious. Just like fucking 2012. This shit is so cruel!!!
Anyhow, I have been too freaked out to concentrate on much and have no desire for phone-calls or the dangers of travel, or meeting others, etc., etc. I need to get through this first. Anyone who has had new levels of T that do not go down fairly soon (like my "spikes" always do) know the fear here. However, a bit late (3 days after) I am hammering 40 mg of Prednisone and I think it is helping and bringing the volume down closer to the hellish level it already was...but that at least I was used to, and could finally "ignore" mostly, in my own quiet home. [My sound reactivity and H is the biggest problem].

So apologies. I was not just blowing smoke about a serious meet-up. But for now, I am not doing much about it...If anyone else wants to, FEEL TOTALLY FREE TO DO SO!!!

Fingers crossed for corticosteroids! Zimichael
So this is it???...One "get well soon card" for my attempt at discussion about actually meeting in "reality" instead of informational, ephemeral, here-today-gone-tomorrow cyberspace???!!!

Yes, I have been hit for the FIFTH TIME with more T and H damage, and have thus been in less outward reaching "mourning and shock", but does that mean everyone else is plain not interested in addressing this subject at all?
Is it only me who is willing to put a modicum of energy and effort into making such a thing happen?

If so, maybe I am just really, really, really different and in a whole other universe - not only with my type of tinnitus, but also with my whole outlook on what "life" is - and what "human contact" truly means.
If the future of human connection is going to be primarily this electronic interface, (and it sure looks that way when I see how younger people and kids are umbilically attached to all this 'chimera' from birth), I grieve not only for myself...but for the whole planet and "Paradise Lost".

I would like to to help organize something meaningful but I'm totally zapped of energy. Lots of days I find it tough to get out of bed and the house. I'm also not sure that I could travel with my H, I haven't been on a plane since T onset. Lack of energy from ear pain, crippling depression make it hard to offer a lot more than laying here typing a few message a day on my smartphone. I wish I had more to offer right now.
@Telis ... I would say that your summary above is about as succinct, and complete, and clear as could be possible in so few words. You nail it right on the head. And indeed I totally understand as all my energy for this project has been sucked out like a vacuum since my increased T & H damage twelve days ago. I'm in the same shit-crap boat as you. However, I can only stare at the ceiling for so long and get arse-sore reading books, so will attempt to keep this rolling anyhow - though in some ways it now feels like a 'fantasy idea' versus where I was when started this thing with that original post in October. Shit!!!
And of course, I feel for you guy...I get it. Though this isolation makes it so much worse, so needs a "cure" too, just like the bloody T and H needs a CURE!

Take care as best can Telis... Zimichael
Hi @Zimichael

I am energized by your spirit, but I'm still a little lost about what, exactly, you're trying to accomplish. Let's say there was a venue of some kind and we could get ~a dozen people there for 3-7 days. How would the time be spent, and what would the outcome be?

I ask this as someone who is probably more able to just travel on a whim for a couple weeks than most people are because of the nature of the work I do, so this is more than a completely casual question.
@linearb ... I sympathize with you "lack of understanding" re. exactly what I am suggesting, etc., etc.

Indeed, I have given some vague pointers on the need for a more concrete set of guidelines for any hope in hell of a "meet-up" actually happening...which would be the object, rather than spend tons of time and energy on "talking about it" and it never happening. (Which would just be "MUI" = more useless information).

I of course had intended to do just this, with a select few others, in private. Lay out a pretty graphic picture of what such a meetup might look like: with regard to an agenda, physical outline of days events or potential topics, hopes for outcomes, suggestions for just how those outcomes may happen, meeting formats for such, and even logistical/physical details of probable requirements...foremost = a safe "noise environment". And so on...

Then from this outline and description, potential "attendees" could discern if this looked like it had enough intrinsic value to possibly attend and go through all the trouble, cost, dangers (air transport, etc.), hassle, and so forth to "sign on" least seriously enough that they could be "numbered", and thus the most basic aspect of organizing such a meetup could begin. Like: "How many people are we talking about here???" Super fundamental question right?! And there are many more of course.

But.....2 weeks ago I got more hearing damage from a 3 hour speaker-phone conversation with a TT member. And yes of course, I had no idea it was happening, but it did. (Just like my 2012 damage that turned my life upside down - again!). Since then, I have understandably been in rather a "state of shock" and "blown out". My momentum and desire for all this "meetup" stuff, etc. has taken a blow to the kidneys. Hell, I know I can't travel any more right now, like I knew I could 3 weeks ago say...even with full "protection". So just on a most basic level I have been kinda "derailed".

I think you can understand that. So, I am thus just answering as best I can here, as life is a struggle right now, but I can only hope this new level of H mainly, will cool down somewhat then I will feel less freaked out and able to pick this up again...and answer your questions more thoroughly with an actual "plan outline".

There you go...Sorry. Shit happens. And anyone else can pick up this meetup idea and roll with it! I still think it has super validity as meeting in the "real world" is totally different to this "cyber-chat" world.

Best, Zimichael
@Zimichael...curious..have you engaged in lengthy phone (speaker) conversations before like this one that caused more damage? 3 hrs is quite long, I did that before and also was thrown into a major setback, possibly worsening since I am actually still unwell.

I have had over hour conversations but my 3 hr one also killed me..Weird and brutal stuff this shit is.:/
@Blackbird26 ... Sorry to be short here, but your question is "off topic" so will answer in a PM *(And you can also do a search under my username, as I have posted extensively in the past about the dangers of "time exposure" to sound, especially for repeat T/H folks, as it is very easy to forget versus "volume").

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