Increased Tinnitus, Ear Pain and Fullness Following Airbag Deployment

Discussion in 'Support' started by summitplum, Dec 13, 2023.

    1. summitplum

      summitplum Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I've had mild tinnitus since 2021 after a high antibiotic course, but was pretty habituated to it. This last Saturday I was t-boned by another vehicle on my passenger side (no one with me), and it deployed the passenger airbags, about 5 feet from my right ear (which is the ear I has mild tinnitus in). No other injuries. When the airbags deployed, I had a solid new ringing for about 6 seconds, which stopped (and hasn't returned) and now just an increase in my existing tinnitus tones (more intense). I also have some ear pain and fullness feelings.

      I went to my ENT on Tuesday. My hearing was still normal, some slight changes at lower frequencies but it looked similar to how it looked after my antibiotic (and my hearing tests improved a month after my antibiotic). Other tests were fine.

      He didn't think Prednisone was necessary or worth the side effects, given I didn't have any significant changes to my actual hearing and not a huge increase in my tinnitus (it's about a 5/10 now, where it was 1/2 before).

      I've been taking Nicotinamide Riboside, NAC, Magnesium glycinate, Vitamin C and Melatonin (I was actually taking NAC and Nicotinamide Riboside the day before the accident in preparation for a concert I didn't end up going to because of the accident). I haven't noticed any improvement from them but using anyway.

      Was it a mistake to not try the Prednisone (and if so, is it now too late to try)? I read that Prednisone can actually make things worse in some cases (and I already have a history of medication-induced tinnitus)? Also, I'm sensitive as hell to drugs in general.

      But I'd love to hear other people's input or if there's other things to try.

      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. Jenny_S

      Jenny_S Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Induced
      Hi @summitplum, as it’s almost a month since your post, I hope your ears have recovered or are showing improvements with time.

      The airbag deployment is always in my mind while driving for those with pre-existing ear issues but we still have to drive.

      I cannot give any advice on Prednisone as I have never taken it for my noise setbacks (I rely on quiet, time and preoccupying my mind with movies :)). But from your medication-induced tinnitus history, it’s definitely wise to think about taking any strong medications. Read up as much as you can.

      I have had Prednisolone from an IV after an inpatient stay for another condition and this didn’t seem to affect my tinnitus or noxacusis.

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