Is This Tinnitus?

The Torrent

Dec 18, 2017
Tinnitus Since
As long as I remember
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello, this is my first post on this website so sorry for my nieve-ety

I'm not sure I have tinnitus, actually I created this account primarily for this reason. I haven't spoken to anyone about this.

My age range is under 18, that's all I will say about my age. I have been exposed to loud sounds ever since I was small, as my dad is a DJ and I would frequently go with him to gigs.

Now, I always used the appropriate ear protection, so I wouldn't think this is an issue.

This is what I don't understand. I've been told tinnitus is a ringing noise, and after extensive reasearch, have found out that all people that have tinnitus experience it between 5k -12k hertz and it is a noise which comes sometimes and goes others.

My tinnitus is different. It is always there, 24/7. If I concentrate on it, it can get unbearable loud, and I mean Like really loud, but if I give my ears like a shock or some sort (like turn the volume up on my headphones loud for a few seconds) it seems to calm down. Another thing is it's around 17 khertz. I compared it to a tone gen app on my iPad (I can hear up to 18k hertz).
As far as I can remember I've always had this. I remember thinking as a little child (I had experienced loud noises before this age) 'what's that high noise, I wonder if it's a spaceship'.

Is this tinnitus? I'm not sure. Please help.

Many Thanks
Tinnitus is hearing a sound that is not present, so yes.
So that's the bad news, but you seem to be able to deal with this perfectly.

A lot of people have tinnitus, around 10-20% of the population, in varying degrees.
Not all tinnitus is permanent, but I would advise you to stop listening to loud music for a while and protect yourself.
What you have is definitely tinnitus.

At this point, all you can do is take action to reduce the probability of it getting louder. Try to protect your ears from all loud noises. Stop using headphones, even at low volume (search this forum for more information about this).
if I give my ears like a shock or some sort (like turn the volume up on my headphones loud for a few seconds) it seems to calm down.
Chances are that if you keep doing this, it will result in louder tinnitus in the long run. Please try to minimize/avoid these shocks.

You might try to avoid even moderate noises like that of a vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, hair dryer, and blender. You can do this for a year or two. There is a chance that your T will fade as a result.

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