Hello everyone, my name is Tavia and let's just say I never thought I would post on this thread let alone be alive to post anything after I got T in January of 2017 My tinnitus was caused by lexapro and boy was it SEVERE!!!! it was like two horns getting blown in my ear on top of three different tones in my left ear. My tinnitus was so bad I had to drop out of college and I couldn't function...It was debilitating. I couldn't sleep at all, I would put my head to a pillow and it would be so loud I would start to get a headache. I ended up gaining 35 pounds due to lack of sleep and binge eating due to the tinnitus which really sucked being that I had worked so hard to get to the weight I was at and stay there (i was a fat kid all my life till my sophomore year in high school) anywho It pretty much consumed my whole life for 8 months until it was time for me to go back to school....
IM FORGETTING SOMETHING THAT REALLY HELPED ME "nortriptyline" and "clonazepam" these helped me get some sleep as well as cut my anxiety helping reduce my tinnitus but not dramatically, that didn't happen until school started...
(sorry for the long introduction to my T I'm just trying to express how intrusive my T was so that I can bring piece of mind to those who think there's is so sever it couldn't possibly go away, because it can ..)....and this is where the healing began...I roomed with my best friend whom I hadn't talk to in 8 months and got into a relationship, both of which distracted me from my tinnitus, not to mention I was back in school so I had work to do(tinnitus was no longer my only priority) and I just began living my like as normal and SLOWLY but surely it got better...
and when I say slowly I mean my tinnitus didn't really let up until 9 months of having it.
So here it is 14 months into my journey with tinnitus and I can say it's so quiet I can only hear it in a quiet room when I look for it as well as after I play loud music which I don't advise...but the sound is so minute it does not bother me, I know one day it will completely go away and if it stayed like this I would be fine with that as well.
I wish I had a cure or something that I could tell you guys got rid of my T but really all it took was TIME!!! Time is medicine....although here are some tips I have for you all
. Stay away from stress (most important)
. Try the medications I listed because unlike most medications there T safe
. Live your life, please don't let tinnitus hold you back from doing the things you love, you will heal from this and it won't be like this forever.
. Tell yourself you will heal from this, you won't be like this forever, read success stories and only success stories, NEVER think it won't get better, and get someone to believe with you just in case you ever have any doubt (my parents were my saving grace).
I would love to go more in detail about everything because I'm sure I'm missing a lot...feel free to message me and ask me any questions I would love to help anyone going through this since I know how horrible you must be feeling.
IM FORGETTING SOMETHING THAT REALLY HELPED ME "nortriptyline" and "clonazepam" these helped me get some sleep as well as cut my anxiety helping reduce my tinnitus but not dramatically, that didn't happen until school started...
(sorry for the long introduction to my T I'm just trying to express how intrusive my T was so that I can bring piece of mind to those who think there's is so sever it couldn't possibly go away, because it can ..)....and this is where the healing began...I roomed with my best friend whom I hadn't talk to in 8 months and got into a relationship, both of which distracted me from my tinnitus, not to mention I was back in school so I had work to do(tinnitus was no longer my only priority) and I just began living my like as normal and SLOWLY but surely it got better...
and when I say slowly I mean my tinnitus didn't really let up until 9 months of having it.
So here it is 14 months into my journey with tinnitus and I can say it's so quiet I can only hear it in a quiet room when I look for it as well as after I play loud music which I don't advise...but the sound is so minute it does not bother me, I know one day it will completely go away and if it stayed like this I would be fine with that as well.
I wish I had a cure or something that I could tell you guys got rid of my T but really all it took was TIME!!! Time is medicine....although here are some tips I have for you all
. Stay away from stress (most important)
. Try the medications I listed because unlike most medications there T safe
. Live your life, please don't let tinnitus hold you back from doing the things you love, you will heal from this and it won't be like this forever.
. Tell yourself you will heal from this, you won't be like this forever, read success stories and only success stories, NEVER think it won't get better, and get someone to believe with you just in case you ever have any doubt (my parents were my saving grace).
I would love to go more in detail about everything because I'm sure I'm missing a lot...feel free to message me and ask me any questions I would love to help anyone going through this since I know how horrible you must be feeling.