Leaf Blowers Made My Tinnitus Worse and Gave Me Ear Pain

Discussion in 'Support' started by windingshores, Jun 13, 2023.

    1. windingshores

      windingshores Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had a distressing increase in tinnitus this past January, from a music event. Since then, the tinnitus has quieted (it took months) and I also don't react to it as much.

      This morning, leaf blowers in my neighborhood went on for some time. I was busy and didn't leave the apartment (and leaving would have put me closer to the leaf blowers). My tinnitus is back to the level it was in January. My ear hurts as well as the whole side of my head, down my neck on the left side (that side is sensitive to noise).

      Is this a spike that will likely improve again? I had just reached a place where I could go to bed without dread.

      The world is just plain scary. Sirens, leaf blowers, trucks. Every store and waiting room has music that is too loud when I am like this. I love kids but when they pass me on the sidewalk and yell, it scares me. I even have to ask my kids (adults) to keep their voices down. I had started to be less scared and I think that is a problem! I need to stay scared!
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    2. ECP

      ECP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      being a caregiver for an elderly lady who is hard of hearing
      I hope that spike went away. Did it, @windingshores?

      Do you have noise-reducing earmuffs that you can quickly put on at home the next time the leaf blowers come back? Or better yet, foam earplugs?

      I always keep those handy for whenever an unexpected leaf blower or lawnmower comes close to my apartment. It makes a huge difference.

      I don't think you should "stay scared," just "stay prepared."
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    3. PeteJ

      PeteJ Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma?
      I wear earplugs for those situations.

      But, occasionally, I don't have them in and there's someone using a leaf blower, lawn mower etc.

      It sucks and often results in a spike.

      An ongoing spike is awful. I am inclined to think the 'spike' is temporary but everyone's ears is different so difficult to predict.

      I use Magnesium bisglycinate and I am wondering if NAC helps.

      What about a vitamin B complex to maybe repair the nerves? Any remote chance that could help?
    4. Michael_EDH

      Michael_EDH Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely SSHL
      I really don't like leaf blowers. To me, they seem pointless most of the time and are just a nuisance. They fill my neighborhood with gas and are extremely loud, piercingly loud to where white noise won't even block it while my windows are shut! I avoid them.

      I would try to take it easy for a few days and see if it doesn't go back down. Mine usually gets way louder if I am exposed to loud noises (plates falling, motorcycles etc) and it tends to go back down once I'm somewhere quiet and relaxing.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. kingsfan

      kingsfan Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      A town near you
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      turning everything up to 11
      This is one of the crappiest parts of tinnitus. You basically have to wear earplugs almost non-stop just in case there is an unexpected loud noise. Can't even go outside to enjoy the sounds of nature because some dumb sports car or motorcycle will drive by revving their engine. The only time I can remove my earplugs is while hiking, but even sometimes a small plane or helicopter will fly overhead so I have to be prepared. My personal biggest enemy are the people aggressively grabbing shopping carts at store entrances and letting the folded up part slam down.
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