Low Today

Dezdog, you always seem so positive. I hope your depression doesn't last long. I still believe there is hope out there on the horizon. Stay strong; we're here to support one another!
Karen: Thank you, it means so much that you replied, both of you. I am pulling myself around, while trying not to piss my wife off too much. She understands what's happening, but it doesn't mean I'm pleasant to be around while it's happening. It's just a cycle, I know that. Just have to ride it out.
You're right; it is a cycle. You'll get through this, and things will look better. Don't give up hope!!
You know much better than me that it will improve eventually. Disturbing dreams are just that, dreams. Please stay strong and don't let your T control you!
Sorry to hear you're down, Dez. Believe me, I know how it is.

I was also down today. My T was going psycho. It's like I've lost some progress. I've got to get positive again.
Thanks Karl and erik, it's appreciated. I'm doing better today. Maybe more sleep helped, I don't know.

Karl, I hope things pick up for you very soon.

Thanks. I'm up, I'm down, I'm up, I'm down. When I wake up, I can hardly hear the T. Then I start focusing on it,...I just can't stop myself!

It's been 9+ months for me, so I suppose it's too early to get my "habituation diploma". Still working on it, though. Man, this is a hard course! I really want to pass!

Last year I joined the ATA. In the latest issue of the ATA's "Tinnitus Today", a letter of mine appears. I wrote this letter so long ago, I had forgotten that I wrote it. Anyway, the ATA's editor has written me a few emails, going back and forth. I have asked her to do an interview with Dr. Dalton (Dichonics) and another researcher, Dr. A. J. Hudspeth, who is the world's leading expert on the physiology of the inner ear.

Doing this type of stuff, not to mention my job, is keeping my mind from focusing on the sound. A couple glasses of wine at night also helps a lot.
Karl, I don't really know why exactly I am able to ignore my T. I can feel that when work stresses me that it seems louder, and I can feel the worry a little bit, but I'm nowhere near the wreck I was. I can't even claim to come from stock with built-in anxiety kevlar either. Perhaps it is just the fluoxetine, and my appeals to everyone to work on their anxiety is nothing more than medication-induced hippy nonsense. It feels right though.
I wish I could switch the worry off for you.

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