Massive Increase in Tinnitus After Self-Removal of Earwax Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Boiled Water


Apr 6, 2023
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I don't know/combination of stuff
Hi everyone,

I really need some help. Thank you in advance if you read this :)

I have had tinnitus since 2017. I don't really know how it started - there was a combination of factors - I hurt my neck/back, I put olive oil into my ears on advice of doctors to get rid of wax and it seemed to trap water in there, I had my ears syringed on advice of doctors again and it seemed to make it worse and I was also exposed to a loud noise (fire alarm for several hours). I also may have been malnourished so lacking in certain vitamins and minerals possibly. It got to the point where it didn't really bother me in the day, just evenings and night. I didn't know how lucky I was.

About a week ago it felt like there was ear wax in my ear. Previously I had it microsuctioned and the guy said he had literally never seen as much ear wax in someone's ear (!). This was in a hospital and I don't think it's likely they damaged my ear but who knows. But after that, any time I saw someone they said there was barely any wax in my ear. They did say it looked dry but this was years ago.

Anyway, I have developed a mistrust of them due to being given Otomize (which I thankfully didn't use) without being visually seen and so I decided to put:

3% food grade no stabilisers or preservatives hydrogen peroxide into my left ear. I did it twice a day for three days. The first time I left it in 10 minutes. It did not hurt or anything. However, I did not realise that you were meant to rinse it out with water. I know this is my fault and I was stupid, I just wanted to help it but it was wrong. Thankfully I did lie down on my side after all of these so it probably ran out. I only did it for three days.

After I realised my error the next day, I rinsed my ear twice with boiled water with sea salt in it, and then with plain water once the next day. I also made the mistake of going outside in severe cold wind in my friend's vehicle with the windows down to try to dry it out. That, in hindsight, was not a good thing to do.

Anyway, my ear has been ringing like nothing I have ever experienced. I don't think I burnt my ear as it doesn't feel hot or aggravated, it is just the ringing.

I cannot watch TV, films or do anything without hearing it. I can hear it over everything outside, including friend's vehicle with windows open.

The only time I cannot hear it is the combination of my electric toothbrush/running tap.

The things that seem to help it are: chewing gum, Sudafed spray, ignoring it, standing up.

The things I've tried: magnesium, multivitamin/mineral, omega 3 fish oils, iron sachets (highly suspect I have anaemia tbh) and ignoring it. I don't really want to put anything in my ear AT ALL but I would if it would help.

Thankfully, and I'm scared to say this, it does actually seem to have decreased a bit but it is still there and loud. However, it is not AS BAD as the days directly after. We are now one week on I think.

It is like the sound in the film 'The Silence' (I wish).

It is so weird because sometimes it seems to pulse, sometimes it seems worse when I yawn or move my head, sometimes it is constant. I can't believe I could have three different types?

My gut instinct is just it irritated the shit out of my ear drum and it reacted to that or maybe it is swollen and pressing on something.

For my whole life, whenever I yawn, there is this weird quiver sound in my ear, just like when they flush your ears with water. I always thought this was normal but maybe it isn't.

This is my left ear and it is really disorientating because the right ear is quiet, while the left ear is loud.

I feel so stupid.

My question is:

Is there anything I can do? Anything? Someone mentioned about this mint tea thing which interested me. But instinctively I don't want to put anything in my ear. I am trying to eat really well, drink water, and not think about it. But is there anything else?

Thank you for reading,
Welcome to the forum. There are many causes of tinnitus. If movement of the head, body or jaw can change the tinnitus, it may be somatic in nature. Perhaps get an ENT to examine the ears and the Eustachian tube. Stress can also affect the intensity of tinnitus. Try to do relaxing exercises or activities, and take calming supplements such as chamomile tea, lemon balm, etc. Make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will aggravate tinnitus. Try to do things fun such as hobbies old and new. This can distract the brain from zooming on the tinnitus all the time. There are supplements that may help, such as magnesium, zinc, vitamins D3, B12, NAC, etc. But these may have varying result by individual. Mask the tinnitus if it bothers you. Download free apps for soothing nature sounds, and play it out via a Bluetooth speaker, not headphones or earbuds.

Good luck and take good care. God bless.

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