Mast Cell Issues with Noxacusis?

Discussion in 'Support' started by haha ear go eeee, Aug 6, 2023.

    1. haha ear go eeee

      haha ear go eeee Member

      Ontario, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      So I have had primarily middle ear noxacusis for about 3 months now. I have a ton of environmental allergies and recently food allergies (nuts), I'm also living in a really damp basement apartment and am probably exposed to mold. I also have eczema and asthma and take allergy medication daily (Reactine and Benadryl).

      Very recently, I ran out of my Reactine, and I quit Benadryl about a month ago after I suspected it was reacting with other medications. Around the same time, I noticed I was starting to react to random food. One day it was a rotisserie chicken from Costco, the other day it was store bought bread. I would get an itchy throat, mouth, lip, and a tiny part of my lip would swell. Sometimes, my hands would feel hot and itchy.

      These products don't have traces of nuts, and the reactions seem inconsistent. I can't tell if it's an allergy to sugar or an oil or if it could be a histamine intolerance or Mast Cell issues.

      Have any of you guys ever experienced Mast Cell issues or allergic reactions to random food? What have you done that has helped? Thank you.
    2. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      YES! I have Lyme, coinfections, and mould (and menopause).
      • Get an OATS test, which will include mould and oxolates
      • Mould will drive up histamine by increasing oxolates
      • Low histamine and low oxolate diet
      • Get off gluten, casein, eggs, sugar (if problematic for you)
      • Address source of mould
      • You'll need a charcoal binder (e.g., QuickSilver) and ensure your bowels are regular to remove mycotoxins (look at Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker's work)
      • Liver support is helpful for mould
      • Consider air filter
      • Most of your immune system lives in your gut, so a GI map wouldn't go astray
      • Address any issues there, i.e. correct dysbiosis, leaky gut with herbs, targeted probiotics, nutrients
      • If you're female, be aware estrogen dominance can drive up histamine
      • Progesterone stabilises Mast Cells
      • Trial DAO enzyme with meals to assist with breakdown of histamine
      • Increase Magnesium which is required to stabilise Mast Cells
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    3. MadeleineHope

      MadeleineHope Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic shock/noise-induced

      So I don't have major issues with allergies and/or eczema, but I do experience both (& have experience with antihistamines and inhaled steroids, etc. though I'm not using any now). I've been looking into high dose vitamin D therapy as an option to try for pain hyperacusis (with the goal of dramatically decreasing inflammation), & learned that this method can actually help lots of other immune-based problems. Here's a video on inflammation & how vitamin D can help:

      What Is Inflammation and How to Reduce it with...

      Here are three others from the same author that can be helpful (there's overlap but each one contains some unique information):

      The Best PREDNISONE Alternative

      A Natural Prednisone or Steroid Protocol

      The Best and Safest CORTICOSTEROID Alternative

      Hope this helps, & let me know if you decide to give it a try! I've started with about 5,000 IU today - hoping to build up slowly as I see how my body reacts. Just an FYI if you do decide to try: Make sure to get adequate amounts of K2 & Magnesium as well depending on your vitamin D dose. It would probably be a good idea to visit your family doctor for some general tests every so often as well, just to make sure everything's running smoothly.

      • Informative Informative x 1
    4. AUTHOR
      haha ear go eeee

      haha ear go eeee Member

      Ontario, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you for the very helpful list. I'm extremely concerned about this because I am homebound and cannot go to the ER if I have a very bad allergic reaction or get tested for mast cell disorder.

      I'm avoiding sugar, caffeine, and other high histamine foods at the moment. I plan on going back on the Reactine and Benadryl combo today. I'm not sure about beans or dairy yet.

      Have you tried any Quercetin or any other potassium channel opener herbs? Like fitweed or cilantro? @MadeleineHope posted a really good research paper about different herbs and which channels they hit. I'm hoping once I move out of here and treat the hyperacusis with a potassium channel opener, it removes the symptoms of this.

      Have you tried CBD isolate? I've been reading a bit on MCAS, and I've learned that CBD is an amazing mast cell stabilizer, apparently better than some medications. It's interesting that CBD can also help us, considering it opens the potassium channels. I strongly believe there's a connection between these two disorders.

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