Mia Spartalis > Help


Aug 1, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud Noise
Hello, I'm 12 years old and my most favourite thing in the world is music, I play guitar actually. I went to a very loud punk rock show recently in a very small venue, (3 weeks ago) and experience tinnitus and was very worried, my mom works for an ear nose and throat specialist, and one week later I went to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers front row and experienced it again for only around a day. (2 weeks ago) now, I just recently got it again and my anxiety is getting much worse, I'm going to get checked very shortly but I'm so worried because I love music more than life and I don't want to stop.
Your body is sending you warning signals. Protect your ears, and let them rest for a while.
I'm not sure why you'd do a RHCP front row after what happened at the punk rock show... it seems like poking the bear to me. Take a break, so you can enjoy a lifetime of music, with protection.
Welcome. You obviously have suffered acoustic trauma and often members here recommend getting prednisone asap from the ENT. Perhaps ask your mom and the ENT she works for to help you get this treatment asap. I agree that even though you love music, there is a time and a season for everything. Right now your ears are hurting and so it is wise to protect and rest your ears so it won't become a permanent damage. Take care. God bless.
you're only 12 so your odds of actually healing from this are a lot better than most people who end up here, but for the love of god, stop going to loud rock shows (or at the very least wear good earplugs fully and correctly inserted). Don't believe that earplugs keep you 100% safe, though.
Hey I'm 15 and I can always remember having tinnitus as of late it has got worse
But I hope yours gets a lot better and doesn't stay with you when you get it try listening to weight noise to calm it.

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