Muffled Hearing and Hyperacusis After Steroid Nasal Spray and Prednisone

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SuzMcG, Nov 14, 2023.

    1. SuzMcG

      SuzMcG Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing loss
      Hi there. I'm Suz, 52, from Scotland.

      Tinnitus Talk is my last resort because my ENT cannot find out why I am having these issues: blocked ears when I eat, drink and lie down, pressure, muffled hearing, tinnitus and hyperacusis.

      History: Last August I woke with sudden sensorineural hearing loss in my left ear. This was misdiagnosed first as earwax and then glue ear. I didn't get a hearing test until October to find it was SSHL.

      For the initial four weeks, I had hearing loss and no treatment until I took Otex to clear the earwax after the GP said earwax was the issue, but I had no other issues. After the Otex I still couldn't hear properly in the left ear. Then I went to my GP again and was diagnosed with glue ear and given a steroid nasal spray to use for three months, which has ruined my life!

      For the first few days it seemed to help the hearing loss. Then I gradually developed the symptoms of muffled hearing and hyperacusis. I stopped the spray of my own accord after 3 months because I knew it was the cause. Despite stopping it, these issues have got worse over the past year.

      I have had two hearing tests, one today, that say my hearing is in the normal range with mild SSHL - but I cannot hear well at all, no matter what they say.

      In May this year I was given a low dose of oral Prednisone and again my hearing got much better for three days, but then, bam! Utterly horrendous muffled hearing, tinnitus, hearing loss and worse hyperaucusis to the point I can hardly leave the house.

      I think daily of ending it all and today especially after the ENT re-referral I waited a year for that basically said they don't know what's wrong. I've been offered grommets despite the pressure test being fine. My consultant and myself don't think grommets will solve the issues.

      Does anyone have similar symptoms or have any insights at all? I can't live like this. I barely exist.

      Thank you.
      • Hug Hug x 4
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your deep suffering with tinnitus and hyperacusis. I have had similar experiences with tinnitus, hyperacusis and SSHL. The hearing loss is so bad that I am basically deaf in the left ear. I have had severe hyperacusis twice, both time they faded in about 9 months to a year. So don't lose heart nor despair as hyperacusis tend to fade over time. During the initial period I went through nightmarish existence. I never thought I could find good life again. But never say never. Today I live a good life, fishing, gardening, dancing, even traveling often. I will be going to a cruise in 3 weeks.

      I wrote my success story and shared some helpful strategies. If you have the time, read the story to see if it will help you cope.

      Once again, don’t lose hope. Give it time. Take care. God bless.

      From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

      How to Habituate to SSHL and New Loud Tinnitus
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    3. Cmspgran

      Cmspgran Member

      United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      Hi @SuzMcG,

      Sounds typical. I'm still waiting for an ENT appointment six months into my nightmare. My advice to you would be to follow this up and pay privately if necessary. The UK seems to lag behind the USA in trying to actively treat ETD issues (if that's what's going on), but there are some specialists doing balloon dilation and the like but you would probably have to pay privately.

      Shocking you were let down on the SSHL diagnosis but again this doesn't surprise me either, so sorry you are going through this but know that if you want emotional support, you'll find it here as many of us (myself included) are going through a similar hell and can relate to barely existing.

      Find the best rated specialist in Scotland and see if he/she can get to the bottom of it. If it's a middle ear problem, then not sure how the hyperacusis relates? Although it could potentially be two separate things going on at the same time.
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