I have had tinnitus since I was about 9 years old, having gained that lovely gift as I lost my hearing. I now have 20% low frequency hearing to work with. My tinnitus has never really bothered me too much as I found that if I embraced it and didn't fight it, it would not get in my way of enjoying life. But..and here's the catch..now my tinnitus has joined the ringing with musical tinnitus. One ear rings all day while the other one plays the same few bars of music constantly. OK, that I accept. Here is what I don't accept: every time I run the musical tinnitus gets super loud and lasts the entire day at that increased volume. It has gotten so bad that I find that I am skipping running days just to get a break from the musical tinnitus. And I love to run, it's my heart and soul. Drs can't help at all. Any advice?? Or empathy? I'll take empathy any day