This might be quite lengthy or not but this is my views on Tinnitus. I believe that Tinnitus is irreversible, and you can only worsen it, unfortunately, yes you can get treatment, example, (HBO), therapy and so on, but that only improves your confidence and self esteem on your condition and day to day life. To be honest, before I had these symptoms, I had no idea on God's earth what Tinnitus was, I also agree with the fact that there is no recognition of Tinnitus, even though Chris Martin has recently admitted to his nightmare 10 years, but this will only appeal to people who actually suffer from it and that no one recognizes about this complex condition which is quite sad. Everyone's Tinnitus is different and will have different effects, as simply, we are all different in every single way, we all have different physiques and different mindsets, for this reason it is simply too complex for doctors, which most probably will be left with the answer to "live with it" which in some way I find quite frightening. I am a youth, 17 years old, so I might seem stupid but this is what I believe. Yes I do believe they will be a cure, how long? God knows... But anyone can overcome any condition, no matter how unlikely it is to die or whatever the condition they have. I have had it for exactly 20 days now, I'm getting along, not needed any treatment, and slowly habituating I suppose, but I guess I'm blessed as I am young and sporty so I'm crammed with activities. My best bet on overcoming it is to, find out the underlying cause, be patient, and speak to people on forums and seek specialist medical advice (ENT). So my final say on Tinnitus, not enough recognition, too complex for doctors, and we can all help each other. Please post your views below, no offence intended, I am simply posting out my views. Cheers.