My Tinnitus Has Become Virtually Unnoticeable

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AdamLondon2020, Jan 19, 2022.

    1. AdamLondon2020

      AdamLondon2020 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Either viral or from damaged HPA axis, unknown.
      Hello and good wishes to all.

      I came on Tinnitus Talk two years ago, after I got bilateral tinnitus for no reason, waking up in the middle of the night at 4am extremely worried due to the super high pitched screeching noises in both ears.

      My tinnitus is/was idiopathic. The only possible explanation I can have for it is back in December 2019 I had a bad flu type illness and after it went, the tinnitus came. I’m now wondering if that ‘flu like illness’ might have been the Wuhan variant of COVID-19. I work in Soho, always in China Town, so there’s a possibility I came in to contact with the virus before it had been established here. We know that tinnitus can sadly be an occurrence post COVID-19.

      Anyhow, after having a brain MRI and seeing countless GPs and specialists, all of whom sadly were useless (with the exception of a knowledgeable neurotologist) and further scans were stopped due to the lockdowns.

      Fast forward just over two years and my tinnitus has sometimes been very bad, other times been barely noticeable and even on three occasions has completely gone (for a few minutes) to the point where I could stand in my bathroom with the door locked and zero noise around me, without hearing any hum at all. Normally after 30 seconds of silence that horrible hissing sound is easily noticeable.

      Anyhow, the last two days the volume of the tinnitus has decreased so drastically to the point where if I put my fingers in my ears, the slight noise of my finger is louder than any tinnitus and I can’t hear it.

      I’m very happy this has happened, but fully aware that it might just relapse and go back to the horrible screech any time soon.

      But I thought I would share the supplements that I am using daily, if anyone else wants to give them a try:

      500mg Tribulus Terrestris
      500 mg Ginkgo biloba
      500 mg NAC

      Evening (one hour before bed):
      500 mg Tribulus Terrestris
      500 mg Ginkgo biloba
      500 mg NAC
      5 mg Melatonin tablet

      If it can help anyone else, then I thought I would write this down because I know how awful it is to suffer from tinnitus, particularly in my case where it was idiopathic and I didn’t even have any reason for having it (which made me think I suddenly just randomly developed brain damage), other than potentially being post COVID-19 symptoms (despite not even knowing I had COVID-19 back in December 2019).

      All the best.
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    2. BuzzyBee

      BuzzyBee Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not Sure
      That's great news! You had it for a good two years and then it started to get better. It's possible your supplements had something to do with it. Normally I'm skeptical about supplements because the time frame in which "they work" coincides with the same 3 to 6 months tinnitus tends to run its course, but you had it for 2 years and got better. Thanks for the positive report and for sharing your regimen.
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    3. AUTHOR

      AdamLondon2020 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Either viral or from damaged HPA axis, unknown.
      Hi BuzzyBee, I wouldn’t say I am better (in that it has completely disappeared). It’s still there, but at a very low level which is barely noticeable.

      It’s been a rough two years, sometimes waking up in the morning with what could basically only be described as a pressure cooker noise in my ears. But for some reason the tinnitus has gone right down now.

      I am hoping that this is the start of the end of it, although fully aware that it might never go away. What has upset me the most = the fact it is idiopathic tinnitus, makes me worry that something must have gone wrong in my brain to end up causing this. I’m worried more about what went wrong in my brain (maybe inflammation or neurotransmitter imbalance, or abnormal neuro endocrinological issues) and wanted to get it fixed. The tinnitus just being a symptom of whatever unknown thing has happened to me.

      I thought I’d write the supplements down in case anyone would like to try them too.
    4. mrbrightside614

      mrbrightside614 Member Benefactor

      NE Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Did you just slowly get better, or slowly more consistent, or is it still erratic?
    5. Johan001

      Johan001 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Great stuff, congratulations! I’d say, don’t worry about things that could be potentially wrong. Whatever it was, if the noise goes down, that’s the most important thing, so enjoy every day as it is.
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    6. LostinTX
      Not amused

      LostinTX Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      poss ototoxicity/unknown/BVVP diagnosed first then tinnitus
      Is it still at an imperceivable level?
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