My Tinnitus Has Decreased Substantially: Is It Going Away Permanently?


Dec 26, 2024
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I developed tinnitus earlier this month. I am still unsure of the exact cause, but it might be related to my job. I work in a factory with loud machinery. I do wear hearing protection, including earplugs and earmuffs, but it is not always ideal. My doctor also mentioned that I had excess earwax and prescribed oil drops for it.

After getting tinnitus, I noticed that it was highly reactive. If I was exposed to noise for more than 30 minutes, even if it was below 85 dB, my ears would start to ring.

After an eight-hour shift at the factory, it often felt like I had been exposed to a flashbang grenade. It was that severe, and this went on for more than two weeks. I have heard that if tinnitus lasts for more than a week, it is often permanent.

So I decided to take some days off. During this time, I stayed in quiet environments and made sure to avoid loud noises. Gradually, I noticed my tinnitus calming down in the silence.

Even so, I observed that certain sounds would trigger dysacusis in my right ear. For example, flushing the toilet would immediately cause a hissing or distorted sound. A short trip to the supermarket, lasting just 30 minutes, would retrigger my tinnitus and bring back the ringing.

After regularly using the oil drops and spending time in silence, I have noticed significant improvement. The ringing has decreased substantially. Now, in a completely quiet room, I can barely hear it. It is very faint but still present.

However, the reactivity is still there. If I am near a sound source like a kitchen exhaust fan or a running shower, the ringing gets amplified again. When I leave the noisy area, the ringing persists for about 30 minutes before gradually calming down.

So here are my questions:
  1. Is it possible to make a permanent recovery at this stage? While the tinnitus has mostly subsided, the reactivity remains and can bring it back at any moment.
  2. Will this reactivity stay with me for life?
  3. Is it possible to fully heal from tinnitus even after experiencing it for more than two weeks in a row?
This is great news! Yes, tinnitus can resolve after many months. Mine went away after six months, and the same has happened for many others. Just take a look at the success stories!
Yes, tinnitus can resolve after many months. Mine went away after six months,
If I may post some quotes from what you have posted @Thomas_83 on this forum over the years:

"A year has passed since my onset, and I thought I should update my post. I still have it," (9th Oct 2022)

"I think it's been 6 months since my last post here. I have a spike this week, and it's 5/10." (9th Oct 2022)

"It's been two years since my last update. I've had a good life with my tinnitus. At one point, I think it even went away for a short period." (31st Oct 2024)

"The morning flight made it worse, and by evening, when I tried to sleep, it was noticeably more intense." (11ih Nov 2024)

"I have no hearing loss and still have tinnitus." (27th Nov 2024)

"I am really hoping it becomes less noticeable or not bothersome again. This condition feels like torture." (10th Dec 2024)

"today I woke up with a loud volume again, and it only got worse after a shopping trip with my wife." (16th Dec 2024)
Yes, it came back in 2024.

You won't see any posts from me in 2023 or the first half of 2024—that's because it faded away. During that time, I couldn't hear it if I was wearing earmuffs.
So here are my questions:
  1. Is it possible to make a permanent recovery at this stage? While the tinnitus has mostly subsided, the reactivity remains and can bring it back at any moment.
It is not impossible. You need to consider that you have reactive tinnitus, which is more serious. I would classify your case as beyond mild at this point.

You have more or less answered your own question by noting that your tinnitus can return at any moment.
  1. Will this reactivity stay with me for life?
People on this forum have reported varying experiences with reactivity. Some have noticed their reactivity decreasing over time, while others have reported no improvement. The crucial point is that it is very difficult to predict how a person's tinnitus will progress, as it is an unpredictable condition.

I will emphasize again that your tinnitus, including its reactivity, is almost certain to worsen if you expose yourself to loud noise. Ultimately, the lifestyle choices you make and your approach to sound exposure will determine the outcome.
  1. Is it possible to fully heal from tinnitus even after experiencing it for more than two weeks in a row?
A doctor once told me that technically, there is no "real" healing involved for those who experience a reduction in tinnitus. Some doctors believe it is the brain that dampens the tinnitus signal, rather than any actual healing of the ears. However, the brain has its limits and can handle mild tinnitus more effectively than severe cases.

You have essentially asked the same questions as in your original thread. It may be more helpful to keep everything in one thread so that others who want to provide advice can have a clearer understanding of your situation.

As you have likely read from @Thomas_83's posts above, even if you experience fading, tinnitus can return. Many others on the forum have reported similar occurrences.

The sooner you accept that tinnitus is likely a lifelong condition and make necessary adjustments to your noise exposure, the less chance there is of it worsening. This acceptance can also lead to greater happiness and peace of mind.

I know this sounds grim, but it is better to be informed so that any decisions you make now are based on knowledge and understanding.

Good luck.
Ugh, that really does sound grim. But if tinnitus is a lifelong condition, what about the people who say there will be "improvement" in 6 to 18 months? Or those who advocate for time, patience, and protection? What about the standard medical claim that "the natural course of tinnitus is to improve over time"? Are these all just lies?
Ugh, that really does sound grim. But if tinnitus is a lifelong condition, what about the people who say there will be "improvement" in 6 to 18 months?
This will likely apply to mild to moderate cases, which make up the majority of sufferers.

When people—presumably sufferers themselves—say they have "improved," many are referring to habituation.

It's important to be clear: "Improvement" (or feeling better) is often used interchangeably to mean either habituation or an actual reduction in tinnitus. This can lead to confusion, especially when interpreting success stories.
Or those who advocate for time, patience, and protection?
By following this approach, the worst-case scenario is that you prevent your tinnitus from worsening. The best-case scenario is achieving some level of reduction.

The key point is that you're less likely to lose out.
What about the standard medical claim that "the natural course of tinnitus is to improve over time"? Are these all just lies?
Could you provide a link or reference for where you read this "standard medical claim"?

Once again, the term "improve" can refer to habituation just as much as to a reduction in tinnitus.

Additionally, mild sufferers may even experience complete resolution within that timeframe, if not sooner.

Please note that my previous posts in this thread are specific to the original poster's situation rather than general comments. The original poster, @Possum, has the following three traits:
  1. They have reactive tinnitus.
  2. They work in a loud environment.
  3. They are optimistic about their tinnitus "healing."
I believe these three factors create a situation that risks becoming severe.

(Just to clarify, I am not medically qualified to diagnose anyone with any condition.)

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