Hello, my name is Luis. Im 19 years old about to turn 20 in about 2 months. I have tinnitus. I remember having tinnitus since i was 14 15 years old. It was scary. I couldnt hold on to tears. I cried with my mom and dad. But no help could be given. I soon realized it was something i had to to endure and live with. But i was so young that my mind was so weak and i was at a voulnerable age. I had panic attacks. I didnt want to live. I tried to find help online but it only made me even more scared because all i read was, live with it! Or itl never go away get over it! Its not even that bad, atleast your not paralized, or deaf or blind! I found no hope online. So i lived my highschool years with it behind my head. Took me months, years! To accept and live with it. I was able to live with it to the point were i knew it was there but i didnt notice it. I was able to go months without noticing it. Maybe everynow and then i noticed it but was able to forget about it easily. I was happy and able to speak about it with ease. Until now. 2015. The noice is basically the same. No new noice, not louder. The same. But i guess a bunch of other problems i was going through cause my tinnitus to affect my life again. I began having anxiety attacks again. Felt a constant pain in my chest. Im feeling it now as i wright this. I feel as if im never going to get over it. Like maybe i will. But some day in the future its going to come back to me.( the anxiety attacks). So whats the point in forgeting about it if itl bug me again? But my mother told me that everyday is different, no day is the same as another... Well i found that the only reason it bugs me is because i let it. I thought to much on it. But then i think of how i was able to endure it and i thought. Hell, i can do it again. Cause now i know its possible. Its just that at those moments i feel trapped in my head. And i feel like theres no escape or hope. But hey! Anythings possible. Science and medicine is advancing fast! And a cure is inevitable. Or atleast a successful treatment. Nothing is impossible. Always have hope. No matter how hopeless things seem! I joined these dorums in an attempt to help people. Im not really looking for help. But if a day should come that i do need help. I know these forums are of much help =)