I woke up panicked this morning. The T sounds louder this morning. I already have a high pitch frequency but this morning it seems to be up louder. I know someone commented yesterday on my "introduction" post that T will spike/fluctuate for the first several months and I am going to need to be strong.
I am going to keep being strong because what other option is there but this sucks. I know you all know it and I don't want to be too whiny but the headaches alone coming with this are crippling.
I work in a call center and have to go to work soon. Today might not be a very good day for me.
I hope I can keep the panic to a minimum and somehow keep the headaches down. Thanks for reading all!

I am going to keep being strong because what other option is there but this sucks. I know you all know it and I don't want to be too whiny but the headaches alone coming with this are crippling.
I work in a call center and have to go to work soon. Today might not be a very good day for me.
I hope I can keep the panic to a minimum and somehow keep the headaches down. Thanks for reading all!