New Member — Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Triggered by Infection


Apr 5, 2019
Gaithersburg, MD
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Right ear hearing loss
Hello, I am new to this forum. I lost my hearing in my right ear permanently due to infection last year. Ever since then I suffer from tinnitus. Very hard adjusting to this new life. The noise sometimes gets louder then ever.

Going to events with loud and noisy crowds sends my tinnitus into a uproar. I live outside Wash DC area and went to the Cherry Blossom around the tidal basin and the crowds were unbelievable. I should have brought my ear plugs, but I didn't so I suffered the consequences and my tinnitus is really loud. Wondering how long it will take to calm down.
Wondering how long it will take to calm down.

Welcome to the forum. There is no definite time table of recovery that applies to everyone. Each person's case can be different and so the time for recovery varies. But if you have a spike, it tends to gradually die down and settle to baseline, especially if the cause of the spike is found and fixed. In general, with acoustic trauma, members are saying if the ears are unstable from loud noise causing spikes, it can take up to 6 months to 18 months for recovery. But again, that is not engraved in stone either. Instead of checking and monitoring your tinnitus and worrying about it, try your best to move on and get back to living normally. Trying to stay positive and calm will generally help your spikes to settle down, as this tends to keep the limbic nerves system of fight or flight reaction away. This will then help your perception of T when you are not being stressed out by it. Take care. God bless.

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