I've always had small, short stints of T, lasting 10 seconds at most, I thought this was something everyone experienced. About a month ago I went free diving and while I was at the bottom (7m) my ear began to ring.... It hasn't stopped. I went to my GP after 3 days. He, a sufferer of T, told me to take some antibiotics and wait 3 months. I have been going through the gauntlet of emotions: anger, denial, frustration, depression ect. I joined TT a few days ago which has provided me with a lot more information than my GP did. Thanks! I am totally lost and trying to find out what I should be doing. I'm on a total roller coaster.
Should I be following my doctors advice,waiting 3 months, or should I be seeking a second opinion from a specialist?
I'd really appreciate some advice if anyone thinks they can shed some light on my situation.
Thanks Heaps!
Should I be following my doctors advice,waiting 3 months, or should I be seeking a second opinion from a specialist?
I'd really appreciate some advice if anyone thinks they can shed some light on my situation.
Thanks Heaps!