Noise Exposure and Time of Impact?

Is it possible to experience increase in tinnitus a few weeks after noise exposure or is the reaction usually immediate?

There have been numerous reports of delayed onset (weeks) on this very forum.

Also, while my case isn't noise exposure, my T showed up about 6 weeks after my hearing loss symptoms.
If it is assumed that tinnitus is caused by noise damage, and if it is also assumed that the noise damage has damaged hair cells, then days (but not weeks) can pass before these cells die.
Is it possible to experience increase in tinnitus a few weeks after noise exposure or is the reaction usually immediate?
My T began 11 days after the original noise exposure. But my T spikes normally happen the next day following exposure to noise.
7 days after noise exposure. My audiologist said usually it happaens asap and if its delayed it means you have another disease that is lurking.

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