Noise-Induced Tinnitus Symptoms (Do You Have Them Too?)

Mario martz

Feb 12, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Hey guys!
i believe my tinnitus is noise induced...
(a little background, ive been listening to loud music in my earbuds and attending rock concerts, loud pubs, punk gigs, and some of them where in front row or next to the speakers) i would experience tinnitus after the concerts and it went away the next morning.

the day before my T onset, i was listening to loud music in my earbuds, next morning i woke up with my left ear feeling kinda plugged and with the noise... so i believe there must be a relation.

My t is mostly a 2 out of ten, when it spikes it can be a total 8.
it mostly spikes after eating salt, sugar, or MSG.

have had mild hyperacusis but it comes and goes away.

lately ive been having small episodes or ear ache, little twangs of pain or a little pressure than only last for a few seconds, i have had that similar pain after a flight, but this one only last for a few seconds.

it kinda worries me, cause this symptom is similar to menieres but you never know right?

my symptoms...

-My tinnitus seems to be only in my left ear.
-constant tone that it never seems to go away (it went super soft one day) that can only be heard when i cover my ears.
-there is another sound that changes some times it sound like a tube tv, static or hissing sometimes i would rate it as a 1 or 2 out of 10, and sometimes (when it spikes) a total 8
-both ears crack when swallowing
-sometimes my t has changed ears, the right one all of the sudden gets block and a high pitched appears and then it goes away to the left ear.
-i have had two mini episodes where my "hearing" went soft or "distant" or the ear blocked or something like that but then it returns back to normal in just a matter of seconds.
-i believe my hearing is completely normal, despite of those episodes, i dont have any problem with hearing.
and i believe both ears hears the same, i might have a littleeee trouble listening in "noisy" environments.
but no apparent hearing lose.

Ive had only had two episodes where i have felt a little dizzy our out of balance, but they just happend right after i woke up and move very fast (but i also had my blood pressure kinda high, so it might be related to blood pressure.

what do you think?, also... do other "noise induced" t buddies have that ear ache/pressure too?

thank you :)
-My tinnitus seems to be only in my left ear.
normal. it can go into other ear later, that's normal too
-constant tone that it never seems to go away (it went super soft one day) that can only be heard when i cover my ears.
-there is another sound that changes some times it sound like a tube tv, static or hissing sometimes i would rate it as a 1 or 2 out of 10, and sometimes (when it spikes) a total 8
-both ears crack when swallowing
normal. many people's ears crack when swallow, without tinnitus too.
-sometimes my t has changed ears, the right one all of the sudden gets block and a high pitched appears and then it goes away to the left ear.
sounds normal...
-i have had two mini episodes where my "hearing" went soft or "distant" or the ear blocked or something like that but then it returns back to normal in just a matter of seconds.
a different kind of fleeting tinnitus
-i believe my hearing is completely normal, despite of those episodes, i dont have any problem with hearing.
why don't you have hearing test done?
but even if hearing test results are perfect, you can have hidden hearing loss

Ive had only had two episodes where i have felt a little dizzy our out of balance, but they just happend right after i woke up and move very fast (but i also had my blood pressure kinda high, so it might be related to blood pressure.
two episodes of anything can be considered nothing. if they recur more, then it's time to worry and go see a doctor
normal. it can go into other ear later, that's normal too



normal. many people's ears crack when swallow, without tinnitus too.

sounds normal...

a different kind of fleeting tinnitus

why don't you have hearing test done?
but even if hearing test results are perfect, you can have hidden hearing loss

two episodes of anything can be considered nothing. if they recur more, then it's time to worry and go see a doctor

Thank you gotyoubynuts!!
Right now what bothers me the must is the "ear ache" it very little but it comes and goes, it started last week, but my nose have been blocked too i dont know if there is a relation too, but again.. the slighty pain is only in bad ear.

yeah i might get a hearing test soon, i didnt do it, cause i was pissed at first.
right now i only think is kinda useless to get one.
my hearing feels and seems perfect, i believe that my hearin loss is the "hidden" kind
Thank you gotyoubynuts!!
Right now what bothers me the must is the "ear ache" it very little but it comes and goes, it started last week, but my nose have been blocked too i dont know if there is a relation too, but again.. the slighty pain is only in bad ear.

yeah i might get a hearing test soon, i didnt do it, cause i was pissed at first.
right now i only think is kinda useless to get one.
my hearing feels and seems perfect, i believe that my hearin loss is the "hidden" kind
I had the same exact symptoms that you did. I was able to take some ibuprofen and that helped with the swelling of my ears. The tinnitus spikes a little but the pain gets relieved. Also check the pressure in your neck, a professional neck massage will help the pain too.
I just discovered that I have this symptom!

I don't think this was the case when I was healthy and didn't have T.
I sometimes wonder if we notice these things because we are paying such close attention to our ears and hearing. Like if it happened before, it didn't even register as something worth mentally noting.
I sometimes wonder if we notice these things because we are paying such close attention to our ears and hearing. Like if it happened before, it didn't even register as something worth mentally noting.
"People usually notice a fullness in the affected ear and may hear a popping or crackling sound when they swallow."

Could it be that people who hear that cracking sound upon swallowing have fluid in their middle ears? I won't be able to have Tympanometry to find out for sure...
"Eustachian Tube Dysfunction can be caused by large adenoids, allergies, or a cold. This dysfunction can cause crackling or popping noises in our ears."
"People usually notice a fullness in the affected ear and may hear a popping or crackling sound when they swallow."

Could it be that people who hear that cracking sound upon swallowing have fluid in their middle ears? I won't be able to have Tympanometry to find out for sure...
An ENT would be able to see fluid in your ear, so a tympanometry would not be necessary.

Did you not have one done when your hearing was first tested? I've had a few, even on days when I thought my ear felt full, and they were normal.
I plan to ask people with healthy ears whether this happens to them.

Every single time it does that...

Well when i was new to this, and my ears started to crack....
i used to ask my friends if they had it too and they never recall a having a crack in the ears.
tbh i dont know what is silence or not having this crack anymore
i even enjoy cracking my ears hahaha
By the way, since this thread is alive again,
i would like to clarify... my tinnitus is not noise induced.
my hearing test came out with minimal loose in the lower frequencies.
and other awful symptoms (neuro related) started to appear.

so... a hearing test is always a most!

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