Hey there.
Interesting experience in my case as well:
I've never in my life taken Prednisolone before. However, for another recent problem of mine, this week I was prescribed it 40mg per day for 5 days total.
As some people here might know, my tinnitus never goes down, whatever I try. Actually, it was loudness wise very stable for years before worsening this past year, for reasons unknown.
Well, what do you know? Prednisolone reduced my tinnitus by an approximate of 30-50%. In addition to that, the tone changed from an awfully high-pitched ringing to a more tolerable buzzing.
I took my last tablet yesterday morning, and it's now already somewhat louder -- but not yet fully back to the horrible baseline.
Fingers crossed it won't return back to that baseline -- even though I fully expect it to.
For what it's worth, I don't think it was placebo. Since I've never gotten any relief from anything, it didn't even cross my mind that Prednisolone of all things could give me tinnitus relief when I started the treatment.