Randomized Control Study Shows 1200 mg of NAC Daily Dramatically Reduces Flu Severity


Apr 30, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
I thought I'd post this for those who are considering whether or not to get a flu vaccine. I was recently watching a short YouTube video on NAC, and came across a description of a randomized control study that was done years ago in Italy. The study essentially showed the difference between a group of people taking 1200 mg of NAC daily and those who didn't, and what happened when they were exposed to the flu.

Here's a link to the PubMed article:

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment

Those taking 1200 mg daily of NAC only experienced flu symptoms 25% of the time after exposure, compared to 80% of those who took no NAC. That strikes me as being a PHENOMENAL outcome, seemingly much better than flu vaccines. My understanding is flu vaccines are only about 50% effective, whereas the above results would seem to show a much better outcome. The above linked video is fairly short, and I started it at the place where he talks about the trial. It's only about 2 minutes to get the gist of it.

The speaker "speculates" these results would likely apply to COVID-19 as well. I have my doubts however that vaccine manufacturers (with their tens of billions of dollars in annual profits from the COVID-19 vaccine) would be much interested in seeing studies done on the benefits of NAC supplementation and the reduction of COVID-19 severity. My best guess is NAC would be shown to be far more effective than current COVID-19 vaccines, and have literally zero "side effects".
I thought I'd post this for those who are considering whether or not to get a flu vaccine. I was recently watching a short YouTube video on NAC, and came across a description of a randomized control study that was done years ago in Italy. The study essentially showed the difference between a group of people taking 1200 mg of NAC daily and those who didn't, and what happened when they were exposed to the flu.

Here's a link to the PubMed article:

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment

Those taking 1200 mg daily of NAC only experienced flu symptoms 25% of the time after exposure, compared to 80% of those who took no NAC. That strikes me as being a PHENOMENAL outcome, seemingly much better than flu vaccines. My understanding is flu vaccines are only about 50% effective, whereas the above results would seem to show a much better outcome. The above linked video is fairly short, and I started it at the place where he talks about the trial. It's only about 2 minutes to get the gist of it.

The speaker "speculates" these results would likely apply to COVID-19 as well. I have my doubts however that vaccine manufacturers (with their tens of billions of dollars in annual profits from the COVID-19 vaccine) would be much interested in seeing studies done on the benefits of NAC supplementation and the reduction of COVID-19 severity. My best guess is NAC would be shown to be far more effective than current COVID-19 vaccines, and have literally zero "side effects".
Sounds interesting. I think the key word here is "speculates."

I never had the vaccine - I am interested in this news. As it was in January when I got COVID-19 I used some Ivermectin which some studies have shown is useful in speeding up recovery if taken at an early stage after symptoms first show. But as you say - there is no profit in these low cost alternatives to taking the vaccine. The mainstream media have trashed Ivermectin - I don't know if they are right or wrong about that. I looked at some data - but I am not qualified to assess these studies and relied on some other sources when I made my decision to use it.

What is the idea with NAC? You take it when you know you have COVID-19? Or you take it daily as a preventative measure? The latter - I would not be prepared to do. I liked the Ivermectin plan as you take it as soon as you know you tested positive for COVID-19.

The NHS UK paid huge sums for anti-viral treatments - $500 per course - used on at risk groups who are hospitalised with COVID-19.
The mainstream media have trashed Ivermectin - I don't know if they are right or wrong about that.
I read one account, possibly here on Tinnitus Talk, by a man who had persistent vertigo for many months as his main long COVID-19 symptom. He heard about Ivermectin, tried it, and his vertigo stopped a couple hours later. Interesting!
What is the idea with NAC? You take it when you know you have COVID-19?
It seems they encourage you to take it daily as a prophylactic supplement. I actually have no problem with that. If you look at all the purported benefits, it supposedly improves all kinds of health issues, including many so-called brain issues. Like schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD, etc.

The main reason I've been able to ascertain for all these myriad improvements is that NAC is a precursor to glutathione, the body's most important detoxifying antioxidant. It in itself can apparently balance brain neurotransmittors--especially dopomine--and can also repair nerve damage. Sounds like the kinds of things that would be good for people who've suffered ear damage leading to tinnitus and/or hyperacusis.

I had been taking 600 mg of NAC daily, but I'm now going to up that to 1200 mg. I'm also beginning to nebulize glutathione 1-2x per week for about 10 minutes. Our bodies' ability to make glutathione apparently goes down as we age, with a reduction of 30% by the time we reach age 40, and 50% by the time we reach age 65. Good enough reason for me to regularly supplement with NAC and/or glutathione. Strenuous exercise apparently helps the body produce glutathione. But I don't have the ability to do that on a regular basis.
I read one account, possibly here on Tinnitus Talk, by a man who had persistent vertigo for many months as his main long COVID-19 symptom. He heard about Ivermectin, tried it, and his vertigo stopped a couple hours later. Interesting!

It seems they encourage you to take it daily as a prophylactic supplement. I actually have no problem with that. If you look at all the purported benefits, it supposedly improves all kinds of health issues, including many so-called brain issues. Like schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD, etc.

The main reason I've been able to ascertain for all these myriad improvements is that NAC is a precursor to glutathione, the body's most important detoxifying antioxidant. It in itself can apparently balance brain neurotransmittors--especially dopomine--and can also repair nerve damage. Sounds like the kinds of things that would be good for people who've suffered ear damage leading to tinnitus and/or hyperacusis.

I had been taking 600 mg of NAC daily, but I'm now going to up that to 1200 mg. I'm also beginning to nebulize glutathione 1-2x per week for about 10 minutes. Our bodies' ability to make glutathione apparently goes down as we age, with a reduction of 30% by the time we reach age 40, and 50% by the time we reach age 65. Good enough reason for me to regularly supplement with NAC and/or glutathione. Strenuous exercise apparently helps the body produce glutathione. But I don't have the ability to do that on a regular basis.
That is interesting - I assume he was having a vertigo attack when he took the Ivermectin - I understand people who have vertigo don't have it all the time - they have attacks. Do you know if it resolved? I have some Ivermectin tablets enough for 1 course if I get COVID-19 again. I am tempted to take some to see if it has any impact on me.

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