Rapid clicking in right ear!


Sep 22, 2012
Tinnitus Since
Help me!!! I'm 4 1/2 months with high pitch T on both ears...it's 5 a.m. woke up 2 hours ago with my right ear going into spasms with rapid clicking I won't hear it if I plug my ear with my finger but if I let go it starts again....I know about pulsatile tinnitus...but the clicking is not regular and not in time with my pulse, it would stop then start again...no rhythm... I can't sleep...THIS is scaring me...it's been 2 hours now...
Could that be the tympani tensor muscle going into spasm?


Do you ever get a twitchy eyelid, or anywhere around the eye? I think it's the same but in the ear, to that muscle. There are so many nerves going to the ears, it can be set off if we're already focusing attention on T, and such like.

I get it occasionally, but it subsides.

It's easy to say "don't worry", and I hate hearing it I'm feeling deathly anxiety, but try not to worry too much about it. Perhaps reading the wikipedia article might help.

DD...thanks...it is still ongoing...it's like a rapid pulse then like quivering type...I am scared! I can't deal with this...In the past 2-3 months I am able to sleep well, now this spasm or pulsing will take that away...
Peter, it's very likely to settle down. Please don't be scared. Try not to let that fear cycle take root. Do you have any relaxants you can take to see if it helps? Even if it's a glass of wine/beer?

I really hope someone else here can give you some insight into what's happening, since I've not had it like you're experiencing. Even if tonight is a bit rough, it does not mean that's the way it's going to be forever.

Keep posting, talking about it surely must help, I will check back here later.

DD, I looked up Middle Ear Myoclonus and it resembles my symptoms, fluttering/clicking non-rhythmic, the past week I was dizzy a couple of times, and just out of the blue for over a month now I have hemifacial spasms (face twitching on my right side of the face. I'm going to my Primary tomorrow and get another ENT appointment.
That must be it. The facial spasms are now firing the nerves connected to the tensor tympani. If that's right, it's not hearing related. That doesn't mean it's any the less distressing, but I really hope this has taken the fear out of it a little. I hope you get some sleep tonight.
Yesterday the whole day I can feel/hear a pulsing/thumping/twitching sometimes fluttering type in my right ear, I read that muscle relaxants help in tensor tympani syndrome/middle ear myclonus disorder so I took Cyclobenzaprine 0.5 mg before bedtime and it has subsided until now....I just hope that my flutter/clicking is a one time thing not a 24/7 type.

Does anybody here has tensor tympani/middle myoclonus disorder? I know it is rare thing to happen, so I guess if it comes back then I have the double whammy of having subjective (high pitch ringing) and objective (middle ear spasms) tinnitus! GOD HELP ME that the latter goes away....I made peace with my high pitch rings...
Dez, when your tympani tensor muscle goes into spasm how long does it last? And how often does it happen to you? So there's a possibility that mine can also be intermittent not daily?
Mine will do it for around 30 seconds tops. It starts rapidly, and then slows down. When I was really ill, it was spasmed on continually. Whenever I'd think about my ears, I'd feel it tightening up. Thinking back, this was the most distressing aspect, because it gives the sensation of hearing loss, and amplifies the T. Only by extreme distraction techniques could I stop it - counting out loud in spanish in the car, forwards and backwards. Just that mental energy, while I was doing it, was enough to stop me thinking about the *fucking* T for just a few seconds. But it gave me hope that it could be done.

So - now, I don't get it often. When it happens I have a minor freak-out moment, but it subsides.

What's happening with you now?
Yesterday the whole day my ear is twitching like 3-4 twitch then stop then back again, last night I "borrowed my bro-in-law's" Cyclobenzaprine 10 mg but I cut it in half...since last night until now (it's 1:20 p.m. pacific) it's very quiet.

I kind of regretted I took the pill I wanted to test my twitching if it is continuous or it's just yesterday, and to top it off MY ENT had a cancellation this morning but I can't go because I don't have the symptoms and I'm pretty sure he'll just blow me off...(I should have gone though huh?) Anyway I have a confirmed appointment with my ENT this Jan 4.

I just hope it will be intermittent not the 24/7 thing.

Thanks Dez...you got me through a rough day yesterday! I ought to give you 100 trophy points!!!!:)
Pete, you made my day, because (a) you're on top of it, and (b) because you feel I helped.

If there's one thing I'd focus on right now, it's that it started, and now it has STOPPED. It means that if it starts again, it can stop again (let's soften that a little and say we know it CAN stop). I try to be careful of absolutes.

Don't start kicking yourself because you took the tablet. It's awesome news, and I'm so pleased for you. Thanks for your kind words.


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