Screaming Tinnitus After Tympanomastoidectomy

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Aaron777, Mar 30, 2024.

    1. Aaron777

      Aaron777 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi everyone. My name is Aaron. I have had what I call manageable tinnitus my whole life. Maybe because I've never known life without it?

      Anyways, I had a tympanomastoidectomy surgery where they removed a growth/tumor behind my eardrum, as well as several cholesteatomas, and the incus bone from my ear.

      To say that I now have screaming tinnitus would be an understatement. While it isn't as bad as about a week after surgery, it is still unbearable. There are about 7 different extremely high pitched tones as well as what I would describe as a head piercing tone.

      My doctor keeps telling me it's a brain issue and to keep my stress down. Needless to say, I want to punch him at times. I have never had tinnitus this bad and if this is my new normal... yeah.

      They want to do another surgery to make sure the cholesteatomas don't return and to place a prosthetic where the incus bone was.

      I have read that tinnitus can be worse after this surgery, but I've also read many people say it improved. I feel like I'm the less than 2 % crowd here.

      I don't know why the doctor didn't put the prosthetic in during this initial surgery.

      I can barely even write this post as I'm unable to concentrate on anything it seems.

      Has anyone had a similar experience after a tympanoplasty or mastoidectomy?
      • Hug Hug x 8

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