Sinusitis — Help!


Aug 28, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello All Guys !

First of all merry xmas to everyone here in the forum :)

I suffered Tinnitus from accoustic trauma in July, I was doing really great, i think my tinnitus was almost healed. Unfortunately, I flew home (16 hour flight) 5 days, i ended up with a strong sinusitis.

Since then, my tinnitus has increased a lot, changed considerable, and entered in a very strong disturbing face. I have a deviated nasal septum, polyps and ETB Dysfunction, so you can imagine all that together.

I am afraid my sinusitis will permanenty increase my tinnitus. For all of those that have gone through it i would like to know:

1- those who have suffered colds and sinusitis what has been the outcome?
2- what are the best ways to treat fast a sinusitis?

Thank you all for your support and best regards
Try steam inhalation and take Sudafed and maybe a antihistamine for a few days.
Love glynis
Ps maybe a nose spray.
When you have a nasil problem,during the night you can get post nasil drip and the mucous goes down the back of your throat and can go in your eustation tubes causing ear problems and tinnitus.
A nose spray can help and a antihistamine can reduce mucous and a extra pillow at night.
Treating the problem can help reduce tinnitus.
Love glynis
Hi guys and merry xmas to all. I am having all symptoms of classic sinusitis , olor mucus , nasal dripping. My tinnitus at the roof :(

I started taking serrapeptase and is working great for my sinusitis today my t lowered significantly due to lower congestión.

I am in a dilemma , wait for 2 or 3 weeks to beat sinusitis naturally or take antibiotics. I think both have risk for my ears, but any idea which would be the best option ear wise ?

Thank you very much !

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