Hello All Guys !
First of all merry xmas to everyone here in the forum
I suffered Tinnitus from accoustic trauma in July, I was doing really great, i think my tinnitus was almost healed. Unfortunately, I flew home (16 hour flight) 5 days, i ended up with a strong sinusitis.
Since then, my tinnitus has increased a lot, changed considerable, and entered in a very strong disturbing face. I have a deviated nasal septum, polyps and ETB Dysfunction, so you can imagine all that together.
I am afraid my sinusitis will permanenty increase my tinnitus. For all of those that have gone through it i would like to know:
1- those who have suffered colds and sinusitis what has been the outcome?
2- what are the best ways to treat fast a sinusitis?
Thank you all for your support and best regards
First of all merry xmas to everyone here in the forum
I suffered Tinnitus from accoustic trauma in July, I was doing really great, i think my tinnitus was almost healed. Unfortunately, I flew home (16 hour flight) 5 days, i ended up with a strong sinusitis.
Since then, my tinnitus has increased a lot, changed considerable, and entered in a very strong disturbing face. I have a deviated nasal septum, polyps and ETB Dysfunction, so you can imagine all that together.
I am afraid my sinusitis will permanenty increase my tinnitus. For all of those that have gone through it i would like to know:
1- those who have suffered colds and sinusitis what has been the outcome?
2- what are the best ways to treat fast a sinusitis?
Thank you all for your support and best regards