Six-Year-Old Tinnitus Suddenly Worse After Scream Close to the Ear

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Natta, Jan 30, 2024.

    1. Natta

      Natta Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello guys,

      I am a long time lurker, however, this is my first post. My tinnitus started in February 2018 after two courses of NSAIDs. Severe hyperacusis followed. I always loved quiet places and my lifelong sleeping issues turned into full on insomnia. I somewhat habituated after a few years as I had other serious health issues to deal with.

      On Saturday night, while I was getting out of the elevator, a drunk middle aged man screamed “see you later!” very close to my left ear. I had no earplugs as I wasn’t expecting that to happen. Admittedly he had been loud during the elevator ride as well, but I just didn’t think that he would speak right close to my ear when I was passing. Major spike, anxiety, no sleep and ear fullness resulted.

      Worth mentioning is that I do have a connective tissue disorder that makes me more sensitive than other people. I don’t ever go to clubs or any loud places and always wear earplugs to the grocery store so this is not normal for me.

      What do you recommend, please?
      • Hug Hug x 7

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