Something Strange With My Ear When Swallowing / Clicking

The click you hear when you swallow is the movement of the eardrum which moves the ossicles (little bones connected from the eardrum to the oval window of the cochlea).

You're saying, that when you put your fingers in your ears your T is gone? Like gone? For real? If that's the case put something in your ears (earplugs whatever) and be happy.
I also have clicking sound when I swallow, mostly in my right ear (my worst ear). It began at about the same time as my tinnitus, strange thing is I kinda like that clicking sound. Every now and then it disappears (for example when having a cold) and that really freaks me out for some reason. Maybe i like it because it makes me think of other things than tinnitus. A built-in masking noise :)

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