Sure sounds like we have a lot of similar symptoms. I also have the loud humming that is not bad outside but in my house it's horrible! Headaches every day (which I was taking Aleve for but stopped once I learned that it makes the T worse), neck pain and very loud T especially in the morning (usually wakes me up from sleep around 5 am then can't get back to sleep). I got this once before about a year ago and after all tests came back normal, I started physical therapy. About 2 months in, I noticed a decrease in symptoms and then they all went away (except for the T, which I can live with) I can't say for sure the therapy "cured" it but I think it definitely helped because my therapist said my neck was a mess and worked on getting it aligned. I'm about a month in this time and scheduled to start PT again in the next few weeks. I'm just living with the headaches right now though, so I don't have any good suggestions for you unfortunately. I try to not stress my neck too much. Thanks for the lipoflavonod tip, I'll try it! Hope you get some relief soon.