I believe I made a stupid mistake today...I went to a dentist, prepared for a drilling, but no drilling was needed. He offered cleaning, with a tool - this kind of ''sand spray '' tool - I don't know if that's ultrasonic ? I guess cause it was pretty loud.. Since I had no drilling and it seemed to me that cleaning is less noisy than drilling, I agreed and he only did the small teeth in front, with some very short breaks..Still, I believe I get a spike now..my whole head is buzzing. My t is pretty reactive to plenty of things, but do you think this tool can cause hearing damage ? It only lasted a few minutes altogether.. I feel doomed. No matter how long I prepare for sth, how I take precautions ( I talked a long time to the dentist before we did anything, he knew about T - should I be angry with him now that he even offered such cleaning ? and with myself ? ) I'd like to hear from people who went through this kind of cleaning and what it did to them..Thanks.