Tinnitus After Jumping on Mini Trampoline + Suffering from Allergies

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Rockrose, Jul 22, 2019.

    1. Rockrose
      No Mood

      Rockrose Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      spike since 7/15 2019
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi fellow tinnitus sufferers and those who have healed from tinnitus.

      I'm new here. About a week ago I got a mini trampoline. The night after using it for the first time I woke up to crazy loud high pitched ringing in my head. The day before I'd also eaten some things that I'm not used to having like bacon, smoked salmon and some kind of sweet canned wine drink at a get together. I exercised on the trampoline about 20 min. a day for a few more days until I realized that it might be aggravating or even causing the condition. Usually I get some ringing on and off when grass pollens and mold spores are high (which they are) but nothing so constant like that. It just about drove me nuts for a few days.

      After some research I started taking B1, ginkgo, B complex and EFA's and magnesium thanks to info on this forum. I also stopped jumping/jogging around on the trampoline. Things are improving little by little. I've been using a sound machine to help me sleep. Things are bearable now and the ringing, which started out on both sides, seems to be mostly on the right side. Once in awhile a hear a faint click.

      I liked a post here by member AlexSongitus who cured his tinnitus by intensely focusing on singing, perfecting a song over a marathon period of hours. It somehow retrained his brain. After reading it I decided to do some karaoke practice, using songs on YouTube. After an hour of intense singing, trying to get the notes and timing right, I noticed that the ringing was significantly reduced. The tinnitus did come back somewhat the next morning but I'm still noting improvement.

      I appreciate all of the great stories, input and suggestions on this site. Thanks everyone. I hope that all of us will soon have this tinnitus thing beat.
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    2. winstona

      winstona Member

      Toronto, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise exposure and excessive ear irrigation
      Hi Rockrose,

      Welcome to the forum! I am glad that your tinnitus is starting to see improvements already! Since you are already improving in just a week, there is no reason why you can't have your tinnitus fade away in time. I hope that eventually happens for you!

      Thanks for suggesting the use of singing as a method of retraining the brain. May be that's what I need to do now!
    3. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      Rockrose Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      spike since 7/15 2019
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Winstona,
      Thank you! I'm so glad to experience improvement from how bad it was in the beginning. I noticed a setback after I mowed the yard and weeded the veg garden yesterday. Maybe the vibration and noise, the bending and getting overheated aggravated my nerves. I'm trying to get used to these ups ad downs. It's heartening to learn that there are so many helpful tools (and people). I will take some time to sing this afternoon which, if nothing else will be a fun distraction :) .
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    4. winstona

      winstona Member

      Toronto, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise exposure and excessive ear irrigation
      Try to use earplugs when operating power equipment like a lawn mower. You don't want to damage your ears and spoil the recovery process.
    5. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      Rockrose Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      spike since 7/15 2019
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      That's good advice, Winstona. I've got earplugs and will use them from now on when operating machinery. Thanks!
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