Tinnitus and Hypercalcemia?

Discussion in 'Support' started by vme1987, Jul 29, 2024.

    1. vme1987

      vme1987 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I have been dealing with tinnitus since either the flu or COVID-19 back in February. Initially, I experienced some anxiety with it, including high blood pressure, panic attacks, etc. I saw my primary care physician (PCP) and was referred to an ENT specialist. Blood work came back normal, with no other symptoms. The ENT conducted regular hearing tests and even sent me for an MRI to be thorough (my anxiety probably expedited that decision), which also came back normal.

      I switched to a new PCP because my previous one was incredibly dismissive, attributing everything to anxiety. I wanted someone who would listen to me while still acknowledging that anxiety could be a factor. The new blood work was normal except for a slightly elevated calcium level of 10.3. I am a 36-year-old female.

      Naturally, I googled my symptoms and found no other significant issues except for palpitations, night tremors, and anxiety. I had been attributing all of these to anxiety, as everyone was suggesting. However, after researching Hypercalcemia, overactive thyroid/parathyroid issues, and the possibility of Hypercalcemia in certain cancers, I am reaching out to this community to see if there might be any connections. Thanks in advance.

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