Tinnitus for Three Years from an Explosion — Ginkgo Biloba


Jan 14, 2020
Tinnitus Since
January 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
I hope, I do not upset anyone with my post, for environmental reasons. I got tinnitus while burning garbage in a 55-gallon drum as I done for over thirty years. However despite the fact, January 4th 2017 was blustery cold. I was wearing a stocking hat and a insulated hood. Something exploded as I was stirring the bottom of the barrel. I was defined installity. I came in immediately to look in a mirror and check if I was hit by anything. No, just my hearing was almost completely gone. I checked the internet, and looked like little could be done, if anything.

After eight days, I found a ENT doctor who would see me. The receptionist said first available, late April. I said this is something like an emergency, and gave details. She said we just got a cancelation and he well see you tomorrow. So I seen him and had a hearing test done. 50% hearing in right and 20% left. He wrote me a prescription for prednisone. Five days and went from start of 20mg and last day 5mg. So they wanted me to come back in two months.

After I got home I was wondering why he gave me prednisone . So I found the emergency treatment for what happened to me. Explosion, ringing in ears and hearing loss. Take 40MG prednisone for 21 days. Basically it says must do immediately and no positive results if 14-days past. I had prednisone and done for 21 days,

Went back for hearing test after two months and 80% on right, 50% left. However the ringing on the left side never stopped.

I got my GP to give me Xanax three 5mg a day. At first it about stopped it but now little change. I was also taking Ginkgo Biloba for over two years waiting for it to work. However I felt it was doing nothing and when I ran out last week stopped taking. Then last night ringing came back with a vengeance. Only thing different was no Ginkgo Biloba. I got online and ordered a years supply. I probably should have used same company as before.
I did find a report (non US) saying it works. They call it (EGb 761) . But this stuff is expensive. One dollar a pill. I would pay that if it work. Anyone try it ? It has one more ingredient in it versus standard Ginkgo Biloba.
So you are implying that Gingko helped you, but you could only tell the difference once you stopped taking it? So that means with Ginko it was 7 out of 10, and without 9 out of 10?
I would say this. After getting tinnitus I was going insane , especially at night. I needed the tv on all night, but found a cell phone (cannot tolerate headphones) with background noise (running water) was better and did not bother my wife . Than I started on Gingko about six months after event. Over a period of two and a half years I don't need cell any longer to sleep. I noticed I no longer have any real bad days, unless I expose myself to loud noise, unprotected or protected if too long. But based on numbers I am about a steady #2 constant. Bad days about a #6. However about a week after no longer using Gingko I was a constant #6 . I was borderline going back to sleep with the cell. I am back on the Gingko for about a week and maybe a tad better, but hopefully I get back were I was before.
Interesting. I took Ginkgo Bilob on and off for months after my acoustic trauma, not sure if it helped or not but there are a few positive studies on it. According to my ENT it does thin the blood which flows better in the small vessels of the inner ear. I stopped it due to an upcoming surgery and yes my tinnitus is loud now, not sure if this is related.
I was using Swanson and now Piping Rock. Not back to where I was before, but not a big burden on wallet to keep trying. I"ll give it another month and switch back to Swanson, if no progress. My last two years have been beyond stressful. And stress makes tinnitus spike. My 43 year old daughter has terminal breast cancer. We moved in with her so her husband can work and maybe not lose the home. She was fired from her employer of sixteen years and pays $2000.00 a month COBRA for her healthcare and her four-year old daughters. Her medicine is 20K a month and just paying minimum towards a huge bill. Sad to say it happens to millions each year. You pay for Social Security and need to wait twelve months for first payment and twenty-four months for medicare. Perfect plan by our government. They get to bankrupt everyone who loves the person dying. I am in a dark living room, converted to hospital room, because my wife and daughter are asleep. Never thought to find ourselves in this situation. My daughter went to the top places in the country. Said to say they are still stuck in the fifties with cancer care, Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. And a line of new drugs with huge side effects that only work a few months. Far from the advertising propaganda. Sorry I went off topic and sound bitter ! But when we first went with her to MSK, they said she would be fine. I started feeling uncomfortable when they said she was cancer free and go back to work. I ask doctors to do another PET scan to prove cancer is totally gone. Was told by MSK the FDA does the rule making and does not allow it. If you find yourself in a similar situation ! Get it done somewhere , even if you have to pay for it yourself. If I could only do it over.
Fred, I am so sorry your daughter and family is having to deal with this. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach how greedy the insurance/medical system is (not even sure who is at fault here) but whoever makes these types of regulations is absolutely evil. Disgusting.
Doctors write prescriptions for medicine, scans, etc. Insurance companies override doctors and say "not medically necessary ". They attach notice, a review can be done if requested and take from six to twelve months. Very few people have freedom with healthcare. Especially when its comes to cancer drugs, Some are 20K a week for the first month, and then they start to taper. You really cannot put a price on ones life. But without insurance, your done, if you get something serious.

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