Tinnitus from POTS/Autonomic Dysfunction?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Xeal, Jul 24, 2023.

    1. Xeal

      Xeal Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      POTS/Autonomic Dysfunction from hEDS
      I feel like a bit of a rare breed considering I don't have any history of hearing damage and my hearing is perfect. The way my tinnitus started and the fact in the early days it'd completely go away with lying flat baffled audiologists for years.

      About a year after very slowly developing tinnitus, the severe tachycardia episodes began. It was after these episodes that my tinnitus became more resistant to the effects of me lying flat. For example, it'd take maybe 2 hours to get rid of it, rather than 20 minutes like before. As I got more and more weird neurological symptoms, the tinnitus got louder and eventually got to the point where no amount of lying down would completely get rid of it like before.

      My tinnitus is still loudest if I've either been eating a big meal, standing or sitting for too long, or if I'm about to faint. It's 24/7 now, multiple tones. It is a little quieter first thing in the morning. I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos type 3/hEDS two years ago and with POTS recently. Now that I think of it, the tinnitus is always loudest when I'm either about to faint, or when my blood pressure is dangerously low or my pulse pressure is too narrow. It kind of acts like a warning signal. My neurologist thinks my tinnitus is from POTS, something to do with a lack of blood flow to the brain. I rarely hear about tinnitus that was/is positional.

      I'm wondering if anyone else here has neurological tinnitus from POTS/dysautonomia?

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