Tinnitus Week 2022: It's the Data, Stupid!

Tinnitus Talk

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Jan 23, 2012
It's #TinnitusWeek again!

The time of year when we ramp up our awareness raising efforts (y)

Here's what's going on this week, and how YOU can help:

1. Help us promote the concept of a tinnitus biobank. Why? In a nutshell, we need bigger and better data on tinnitus.

Listen to our dedicated podcast episode on this topic to learn more.
Become our patron and get access to the video versions of past and future Tinnitus Talk Podcast interviews as well.​

If you're on board with the idea, please do the following:
  • Like & share the podcast episode on → Facebook and → Twitter
  • Sign up for the British Tinnitus Association's → biobank initiative to help get this concept off the ground (this is mostly meant for UK citizens, but non-UK citizens can indicate their support too)

2. Submit your audio/video about how tinnitus affects you, and what you expect from tinnitus research.

We ran this campaign last year too, but did not yet gather enough submissions to create an awesome video that we can present to the research community. So let your voice be heard and submit your message!

Based on your submissions, we will create an awareness video to share with researchers during an upcoming tinnitus research event (COVID permitting).

Click play on the below 1-minute video, and at the end you will have the option to respond via video or audio, right within this page. The maximum length of a response is 5 minutes.

Hi everyone! We're a little bit late with publishing this thread, sorry about that. It was a rush last weekend to get the podcast episode ready, but we're so proud of the result!

I hope you will all do your part and take 10-15 minutes to follow up on the action points above. I know it can feel like an uphill battle, but we need to stand together and let our voices be heard.


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