Hi everyone, my sincere concern goes for people who have been suffering from ringing in ears, I can understand and know how annoying it can get. For people who don't know this, take proper care of your ears.
About a month ago I went for indoor shooting, it was my first time. I did took all the precautions and wore earplugs but while I was shooting I could hear less and there was this ringing in my left ear. After coming out from there my hearing improved but the ringing continued. I thought it could be due to loud noise and it'll go away by itself.
I can still hear whistling and fullness in both ears, I started experiencing whistling and fullness in my right ear too but the left ear has been ringing constantly. Sometimes it's low and sometimes it gets loud. I don't have any hearing loss though.
Personally I have never listened to music on loud volumes, never been to a concert, use earplugs while swimming, never use earbuds and I even talk on loudspeakers over the phone. Just one instance of negligence by not using earmuffs and doubling up my ear protection, and here I'm with constant ringing.
Met an ENT and got my hearing test which is in normal hearing range. He didn't prescribe any medicine or steroids and said it is due to Temporary Threshold Shift which should go away on its own but couldn't say how long. A very big lesson learned for life.
About a month ago I went for indoor shooting, it was my first time. I did took all the precautions and wore earplugs but while I was shooting I could hear less and there was this ringing in my left ear. After coming out from there my hearing improved but the ringing continued. I thought it could be due to loud noise and it'll go away by itself.
I can still hear whistling and fullness in both ears, I started experiencing whistling and fullness in my right ear too but the left ear has been ringing constantly. Sometimes it's low and sometimes it gets loud. I don't have any hearing loss though.
Personally I have never listened to music on loud volumes, never been to a concert, use earplugs while swimming, never use earbuds and I even talk on loudspeakers over the phone. Just one instance of negligence by not using earmuffs and doubling up my ear protection, and here I'm with constant ringing.
Met an ENT and got my hearing test which is in normal hearing range. He didn't prescribe any medicine or steroids and said it is due to Temporary Threshold Shift which should go away on its own but couldn't say how long. A very big lesson learned for life.