UK Locations of Quieter MRI Machines for Tinnitus and Hyperacusis?


Dec 12, 2019
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi all,

I'm possibly heading for a lumbar spine and thoracic spine MRI scan. Unfortunately, I have tinnitus and hyperacusis, so I really don't fancy going into one of those machines. I've discovered that some manufacturers actually make quieter models. I contacted them, but they're not allowed to tell me where these machines are or who has purchased them.

I also contacted the Royal College of Radiologists, but they have no database. So I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge of where some of these quieter machines might be?

Many thanks for any ideas you have on this.
Hi @Elho,

I did some research, and the Canon 3T is quieter than the rest, although I never went ahead with it. I spoke to Canon a while ago and they sent me this email:
There are four Canon 3T scanners.

The Imaging Center (TIC) at Barnet FC's Hive stadium
Opus Diagnostics Tel: 01344 203620 in Ascot
Canon Medical Arena in Sheffield
Manchester United Training Ground

I'm not sure what the maximum volume is on the 3T systems, but I've asked our European office's and will pass it on. Although I'm sure you know already that there would be so many variables to a scan and the scan environment that this would be a difficult thing to quantify for your needs specifically.

Canon systems are less noisy due to the combination of software, hardware and scanning techniques to minimise acoustic noise. Also you'd probably be invited to listen to music through headphones during scanning, or to have ear protection.

I'm not sure if you have been advised that you need a scan on a 3T system. Generally a 1.5T system is an adequate or even a better option than being scanned on a 3T. If it is to be a 3T Galan, then out of the systems we look after, I'd suggest trying Opus in Ascot first.
Hi @LloydB, this is terrific information. You clearly had a more positive response than I was able to get.

Thank you for sharing it.

If more people have had similar success, then this thread could become a useful resource.

I will look into the 3T as well.
Wouldn't you be better off with the 1.5 T machines? Wouldn't they be quieter than the 3 T machines?
Apparently, it has more to do with how they are built and the software they run on, rather than how powerful they are. I think it comes down to the progression of design.

Here is a bit of information on the Canon scanner…

Hiya, I'm in the UK. You might want to take a look at Vista Health in London. They have an open MRI in W1 that is really not very loud at all. When I went in it last November, I couldn't get the earplugs to fit properly, and they didn't seem particularly concerned.

On the other hand, I recently had scans done on a 3T machine. Compared to the usual 1.5T MRI scanner, the magnets are more powerful and extremely loud. For that one, I used two pairs of earplugs along with padding all around my head and neck.

I think it's best to narrow things down to a couple of places that suit you geographically, then speak directly with the radiologists at those locations. Good luck.
Hiya, I'm in the UK. You might want to take a look at Vista Health in London. They have an open MRI in W1 that is really not very loud at all. When I went in it last November, I couldn't get the earplugs to fit properly, and they didn't seem particularly concerned.

On the other hand, I recently had scans done on a 3T machine. Compared to the usual 1.5T MRI scanner, the magnets are more powerful and extremely loud. For that one, I used two pairs of earplugs along with padding all around my head and neck.

I think it's best to narrow things down to a couple of places that suit you geographically, then speak directly with the radiologists at those locations. Good luck.
@SueX, may I ask which body parts you had scanned in the Vista Open MRI scanner? Are you able to lie down in that one?

Thank you very much for your response.

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