Veterans: How Long Have You Dealt with Tinnitus and How Have These Incidents Affected Your Recovery?


Sep 9, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
going for a rim shot on the snare drum.
I am sure throughout the years you have weeks where it seems you cant avoid loud noises.

Just today I was riding along and I was forced to stop and some idiot in the other lane honked his horn while my window was open.

I am fine but def feel sore in that left ear. I am sure I will be fine and last week was worse with another loud horn incident, but I am writing here today so I do have some concerns.

The fact that I also have hyperacusis (not terrible and has actually been improving) doesn't help these situations.

Everything I read about hyperacusis states that you need to be exposed to everyday sounds but when you are holding your ear in pain that idea seems very hollow.

So to get to the point my question is how long have you dealt with the condition and how has incidents like the ones I have described affected your recovery. Thank you.
how long have you dealt with the condition and how has incidents like the ones I have described affected your recovery.

When I first got tinnitus 21 years ago I also had very severe hyperacusis. It was so bad, when in conversation with people my ears hurt and I had to ask them to please lower their voice. The hyperacusis was completely cured in two with TRT. This was wearing white noise generators for 10hrs a day and using a sound machine by my bedside at night until morning.

Hyperacusis takes time to heal/cure. Follow the advice in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see It, as I believe it will help you. Please click on the link below.
All the best
Just today I was riding along and I was forced to stop and some idiot in the other lane honked his horn while my window was open.
After similar experiences, I began wearing ear protection (earplugs, Peltor muffs in the car) whenever I am outside of my home.
When I first got tinnitus 21 years ago I also had very severe hyperacusis. It was so bad, when in conversation with people my ears hurt and I had to ask them to please lower their voice. The hyperacusis was completely cured in two with TRT. This was wearing white noise generators for 10hrs a day and using a sound machine by my bedside at night until morning.

Hyperacusis takes time to heal/cure. Follow the advice in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see It, as I believe it will help you. Please click on the link below.
All the best

I always sleep listening to white noise (sound of my heat being turned on, its the only thing that blocks my T or at least blends with it which is most likely because it is around the same frequency) from my phone. I know its not surround sound but it can be pretty loud if I am not careful. Thanks for responding...sometimes you feel really unsure about your progress. Questioning if you are doing the right thing. Its not like we have a meter telling us how close we are to recovery.
After similar experiences, I began wearing ear protection (earplugs, Peltor muffs in the car) whenever I am outside of my home.

I dont know if thats the best solution man...I know I am the one who now has a sore left ear but typically I keep the window on the driver side closed or semi closed but I took a chance figuring that there was not many cars on the road. I try my best to protect in loud situations but the car is one of those that I believe gives our ears a safer chance at getting used to louder sounds again.
its the only thing that blocks my T


Please follow the advice in my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View, in the link below. It explains the benefits of sound enrichment and how to use it especially at night. Tinnitus should never be "blocked out" or "covered up" so that it can't be heard. If you do this you will find habituation difficult or not be able to achieve it. Unless the brain can hear tinnitus it will never habituate to it. Sound enrichment should always be set "slightly" lower than the tinnitus. I also advise you to use a dedicated sound machine at night from the Sound Oasis range. They are much better than using a phone. Model S-650 is popular.
@Michael Leigh

Well I have no issues hearing my T but listening to it in silence without some sort of noise (doesnt have to block it out) for an extended period of time is definitely something I do not prefer. It does become a bear after a while. I always figured that is something you would never really get used to. Definitely appreciate your advice.

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