Visual Snow Syndrome Sufferer with Weird Thumping in Ear (TTTS?)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NofaceHorse, Aug 5, 2021.

    1. NofaceHorse

      NofaceHorse Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Visual Snow Syndrome
      Hello, I am a confused young man suffering from Visual Snow Syndrome. I have tinnitus but I am used to it.

      I joined this forum because I am worried about weird occassional thumping in my ear which started this monday, it's not common but it tends to happen whenever I catch a sound that may be surprsing. I think it might be TTTS. There is mild ear ache, but it's random, and sometimes my jaw hurts as well, mainly at night, so it also might be TMJ. Now I've become anxious about it because developing hyperacusis is my worst nightmare. I've been doing nothing but looking up information and experiences about it and they're honestly not making me feel any better. They just differentiate between two extremes. I've also heard so many conflicting stories about TTTS, it's either caused by anxiety (which I have had for a long time) and will not damage ears, or it's caused by hearing damage and it will always lead to hyperacusis no matter what you do. I am getting help to my anxiety, but I am worried about the future of my hearing.

      I've used earbuds to listen to stuff for a very long time, so I've given up those and that may have caused it. I am a video editor and that hobby is my life, but I also value my hearing and I have a job coming up in September, and I don't want to risk giving up a good and fulfilling career. I also live alone with my mother. So what should I do? I've been lurking on this place for a while. I just need some good advice before the point of no return.
      • Hug Hug x 1

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