What Are the Mechanisms Behind Muscle Stiffness Causing Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Leopardi, Sep 7, 2024.

    1. Leopardi

      Leopardi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      What are the exact mechanisms by which muscle stiffness in the upper back/shoulder area causes tinnitus?

      My tinnitus seems to be 90% muscle-related. I recently experienced a very loud spike in my right ear, along with a "feeling of something blocking the ear canal" for two days. At first, I thought it was hearing damage, but it turned out to be muscle-related once again.

      Another example: Today, after some very intense bike riding, my tinnitus was 99% gone for several hours. However, it started returning once I spent time on the computer.
    2. Furetto

      Furetto Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      2020 cervical [100% habituated]. 07/24 Drumming [ongoing].
      The auditory nerves are very close to the cervical and TMJ areas, and tensions or inflammations in these regions can easily interfere with each other, also affecting microcirculation.

      If you think this might be the case, try starting a daily stretching and mobility routine for your neck and shoulders. See if you notice improvements after a month. I resolved my first episode of tinnitus this way because I believed it was related to my neck. My tinnitus began shortly after I experienced a stabbing sensation behind my shoulder blade, which stemmed from a neck protrusion.

      Do you ever experience neck pain? If you get an MRI of your neck, you'll likely find a protrusion.

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