Would Listening to a Low Frequency Static Noise Positively Influence Tinnitus?


Oct 3, 2012
I wonder if anyone has experience with this..

I spent the last weeks all day on my laptop for revision. Unfortunately it makes a high frequency noise and now my tinnitus has gotten worse. Before I start to panic, I was wondering:

If the high frequency noise can permanently change my tinnitus (make it worse) would listening to white noise, low frequency tones influence the tinnitus too (positively)?? Anyone has tried this?

Or would listening to a low frequency static noise just worsen it even more?
I am no doctor but I think it's impossible for any kind of noise at low volume cause/worsen tinnitus. Unless your laptop is as loud as lawnmower :)

Just a thought for you - sitting too much can cause spine problems which can cause tinnitus. This is one of possible causes of my T. I had a neck RTG and it revealed a hypolordosis, most likely caused by my work, hours in front of a computer daily.
I sometimes wonder whether listening to my mix of rain and white noise makes my T worse. It gets me through the worst times because it half 'masks' it but I have wondered whether its having a detrimental effect. Sometimes my T seems to take on the sound that I've been listening to (if it's been for long enough). I'm probably imagining it but it's happened enough times for me to wonder.

If I listen to it all night (instead of just pure rain sounds) I wake up with a major headache. Catch 22 - T keeps me awake without it on the loud nights - white noise mix lets me sleep (a bit) but gives me this morning headache... aaarrggh (n)
What headphones do you use? My earbuds were so uncomfortable that I'd pull them out in the middle of the night. By then I was sleep enough to get back to sleep. Thing is, my T doesn't stop me from sleeping now that my anxiety is gone.

Hope things get better for you click.
hi Dez,

I don't use headphones or buds (have never really liked having anything in my ears. I just play it either on my blackberry or a cd player next to the bed.

I don't think I have the anxiety anymore (well.. hardly ever) but when the T goes away or when it goes really low & then it comes back.. it's more annoying than ever because I've had time without it. Don't think it's really allowing me to 'habituate'.

I had really good nights for ages - then 4 really bad ones and then it went away altogether and now it's annoying me at night again.

Just wish it wasn't so 'up and down'.

You still managing well? I noticed you had a bit of a downer a while ago but since then things seem ok?

hi clicky Jane

I'm better now thanks, although struggling a little with jetlag. Intense week abroad + jetlag is knocking me off-kilter a bit, but that should be done with soon enough.

Glad you're on top of the anxiety, that's all I would wish for everyone here really, to be anxiety free.

Take care
I don't think I'll ever get on a plane again - well done!

clicky Jane - I like it! :rolleyes:
Or CJ? :)

I was scared to back in April. I wouldn't let my wife book our holidays. What a state to be in :( All better now though. Why won't you get on a plane? Try not to let this thing dictate how your life goes day to day...

hi dez, I won't get on a plane because 'air pressure change' is still on my 'suspected causes' list - I don't expect to ever know for sure but I wasn't exposed to any loud noise etc. before mine started so it's quite a long list of possible causes. I like sailing & have never really liked flying anyway - so I'll stick to boats :D

For me, at the moment, T is dictating portions of my day to day life because I'm working out how to cope - I think that's the key for me.. coping well with it.. & it's working! Once I have everything sorted then I hope to just forget about it, if I'm able to, and on a bad T day I'll just (hopefully automatically) do the things that make it bearable.

Hope you and your wife still get your holiday - even if it is a bit late!

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