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Turning in my letter this week. Honestly feeling very relieved and good about leaving this job. I could go into details but it is truly for the best for many reasons.
Sounds like a huge weight off your shoulders. Totally understand. Glad you're feeling good about the decision. I'm sure you'll find something more suitable to your liking (some type of remote work). You're talented enough :).
hey @ZFire so sorry for my very late response! Thank you for your comments and compliment I vey much appreciate it. Mast day is January 3rd, so much paperwork and craziness with the holidays approaching but almost there! Mixed emotions of course, but it is the right decision and move for me at this time.
It's crazy how tinnitus works, huh. Here I am, completely habituated when suddenly it worsens, out of nowhere. I haven't had an acoustic trauma, am not sick, just got slightly worse out of thin air. Oh well, people who say that T worsens no matter what you do are probably right.
i know i haven't been on here in a while, but recently I cracked my neck (becuase of stress) and it burns. the burning is radiating into my face and down my shoudler blades. 1 second of a bad mistake now results in hours of burning and muscle pain.... No effect on my tinnitus though.
Isn't it awesome to get blasted with literally every sound like the whole day. Totally didn't happen to me today, even with earplugs, holy shit, you can't make this shitty luck up...
What does it mean if my LDL is in the negatives? Also my family had me admitted to a ward after I told them I needed to be in complete silence. My tinnitus is spiking so bad
Will the medication they're putting me on make me worse?
They think it's all in my head but that can't be the case.
I just don't know what to do- my research says silence is the only thing that'll help. I'm so scared and would love advice
why does insurance not cover hearing aids there's no reason for them not to only reason is bad reason medical industry truly does not care about general public's health it's all about money sensorineural hearing loss is not being taken seriously so many people suffering omg we need cure urgently asap its not joke so many people kill themselves because of it so we need insurance to cover hearing aids now.
And also ENT did microsuction on top of everything before the procedure. My hearing is so messed up at the moment. Tinnitus is so intolerable in my usually better ear I feel like I cant take it. :(
My better ear has also been worse, for a couple months now. It's like getting tinnitus all over again for the first time. Nothing can prepare you for it.
My last week has been a nightmare. Terrible flu, eardrum infection, fluid in my ear, eutachian tube issues. ENT had to do a small hole to my eardrum let the fluid out. My tinnitus is bad now in my better ear.

Are you still around? I think I'm in a similar boat, I have a physical electrical tinnitus after exposure to different frequencies.
its still high freq? mine is 15.000 khz
Why are there so few success stories on this forum? I am deeply convinced that there were many here who were able to learn to filter tinnitus. They don't want to come back here and that's their right.
I've thought at times over the last 8 years that I was close to success - but then i get hit again with another worsening. God my head hurts. If it was just a sound, it would be a different story, but i'm in so much pain.
Deciding whether I even want to post a 4 year tinniversary update. Never really thought this would be permanent and ever increasing. Alas
I read everywhere that T gets better with time but mine worsens every single year despite taking what a normal person would call excessive precautions.
@cjbhab That has been my experience as well. Short of a miracle or maybe just some dumb luck. Gradual worsening seem like the natural trajectory of my T.
My gradually got worse on year 5, 6, 7, 8 😂,it's all good F-T.
I'm seem to be doing better while trying a 6 day tapered Methylprednisolone. I had to try something as I was doing terrible with tinnitus and also arthritis pain.
Hi, glad to read you're doing a little better. Were you prescribed the Methylprednisolone for your arthritis?
Thanks @Fields. I was desperate with the tinnitus in my left ear. I asked an ENT if I could try the steroid and they said okay. I just finished my last dose today. I'm going to try to taper off Lyrica. My nervous system is not good today and left ear is noisy.
My mom has a chronic cough, and I can't take off my headphones even for a second. I don't remember what my ears look like anymore lol. Hate this
my family is making me go to an ent after ive already explained that they cant help me and that theres nothing they can do for this. ive already said that i risk getting worse but they still insist on making me go. whats worse is that it will only be 5 days after my follow-up appointment with my pcp. they want me to get social security but i dont think hyperacusis is officially recognized as a disability.
@sandyknight, My situation is somewhat similar to this. I have become disabled due to hyperacusis and tinnitus, but no individual, institution, or authority recognizes or even takes it seriously. What was the initial cause for you? Has it been the same level since 2016?
I'm fairly certain I got my tinnitus from band practice in middle school. It was super mild back then and very easy to mask. I did notice it grew slightly louder over the years but was still easily masked. I developed hyperacusis in July and my tinnitus also got moderately worse in late August. I think my hyperacusis is related to VSS following brain trauma from a fall.
it flabbergasts people when i tell them there is nothing that can be done. My brother in law picked up some ear drops at the store that said they get rid of tinnitus. He was so sure that 8 years of my problems would just instantly go away if i tried them.
This is just ridiculous.. sorry.. i've been really going through it lately. The belief that it can get better in time is my only hope. This is absolutely ridiculous.. pff.. i hope we can experience wellbeing, calm & stillness some day
Hyperacusis back to square 1. Also a new tone in a right ear. Out of nowhere. 40mg of prednisone didn't help. Welp. Time to habituate again
I think 3 days later it's almost back to normal again. But every day I am getting at least one loud noise. So I can't even relax for a day...even for an hour...
Also has anyone used the built in background sounds from iOS to sleep to? Listening to "night" def gives me some inhibition so when I wake up my t is quieter
Past my 1 year tinnitus birthday with no big changes to it. I'm still on Zolpidem and clonazepam but working with my doctor to get off them. Hope I can still sleep cold Turkey
Seems like I'm fine. Gotta be more careful next time, I seem to lose my balance quite easily...
At a bowling alley right now for a friend's birthday and the music is blasting. I hate bowling enough as it is 🙃 Earplugs with me to look like a doofus as always
I doubt anyone even noticed anything in your ears
I just feel pretty lame standing in the corner with my earplugs in while my friends aren't even second guessing the noise level :( Such a joykill
Yes I understand that. I would have been too fearful to even attend the event, so at least you had the courage to go attempt to have a good time and not isolate yourself.
hey guys its me just spreading awareness to let everyone that sensorieural hearing loss and tinnitus is not being taken and researched seriously
Giving up
is conceding that
things will never get better,
and that is just not true.
Ups and downs are a constant in life,
and I've been belted into that
roller coaster a thousand times.

- Aimee Mullins -
I just fell on the stairs and hit my head... Just my luck... Hopefully nothing changed and things are normal. I hope