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@SarahMLFlemmer Im actually doing so much better. My Tinnitus isn't better it's actually worse. I have just learned to deal with it better. I work all the time and try and stay as busy as I can to keep my mind off it. I do the things I use to do now. I will wear ear plugs with really loud things also even though it makes it louder. I just deal with it. I'm so glad you are doing better.
My tinnitus has been incredibly near silence since my acoustic trauma. Even if it is still there, loud noises no longer bother my ears and I rarely suffer from spikes, which I am thankful for. I have one tone in two ears when I used to suffer from seven in one and four in the other one - and it is no longer reactive. I no longer suffer from ear pain, but this doesn't mean I test the limits either.
To this day, I am still vigilant, but never overly so. I tell everyone I know about my experience with tinnitus and horrible ear pain for courtesy and now advise them to be safe with their own ears.

It's six years soon for me and I am still hoping for a cure and treatment for those who have had less luck than me. At the very least, there should be a medication to keep one's T stable.
Starting to think the exploding head syndrome episode i had earlier last week was a real loud boom and maybe that's why my right ear has been more bothersome the last few days?
Hello Kam, Stephen here, I'm in Paris until I leave on Wednesday. Let me know if you would like a visit. It's probably possible Sunday, Monday or Tuesday..

Take care,
Hang in there man! It's tough I know it is but we are all in this together. Take a look into Susan Shore Device - many great things are coming soon.
I lost all hearing on the left ear even after all the standard treatments such as steroid injection and hyperbolic oxygen treatment.
@delta784 It happened without any reasons that I was aware. Just woke up and the left ear was gone and severe vertigo followed. No I wasn't stressed at all around that time. SSHL is known to strike without reason.
Hey all. Hope everyone's hanging in there. Thought I'd pop in and say I'm having more anxiety with my T, which happens every few months but eventually settles. Thinking about you all.
Part 2
Ran as fast i could into the office again so was exposed to like 10-15 seconds but man that was loud! ive heard those airguns can reach up to 120 DB and very high Hertz!!! :( Kicking myself i didnt inserted the earplugs better and felt like a idiot when i came back with earmuffs to resume the conversation...... Having a "panic spike" and earpain in one ear but hopefully it will resolve after the weekend.


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I have been feeling "okeyish" for about a week now with no new spikes. Had to go out and talk to someone quick and just inserted earplug express 3M like 50% into the ears to talk to a person in the factory (all machines were off). Ofc when i was talking some idiot took the air gun to "clean" the floor with like 6-8 meters away from me.
Hi Bob, How have you been doing recently?
I'm struggling along. I have good days and bad days. It's worst when I wake up, and when I am really tired. How are you, CJ?
may i ask @billie48 why did you lose your hearing on your left ear suddenly was it stress? or sshl? do you have any hearing loss
what type of sound trauma caused your nox and ear issues man
Accumulation of listening to loud music through my childhood and adulthood. I also had exposure to other loud noises without protection (shooting gun, power tools). What about you?
My MRI shows that I have one bulging disc and two herniated discs in my neck along with bone spurls and moderate to severe spinal stenosis. My next appointment with the neurologist is in March.
Hey The friendlyGhost. I was wondering if you could please share your story with me? Currently going through severe noxacusis.(Pain from everyday sound, homebound, double pro all day even in my room). Have you made any improvements since the onset? How bad were you? Thinking of possible surgeries?
Hi Alexis,

My story is summarized in my post " Severe Noxacusis (Pain Hyperacusis) - Feels Like My Life Is Over" quite well.

Sorry to hear you got nox. I have not seen any major improvements. Homebound for two years.

Not thinking about any surgery at the moment. However, I may try clomipramine.
I think the time has come for me to leave TT. There is not a single development in sight and lingering on this site only worsens my mental health. Take care y'all!
Still can't believe, still can't comprehend what happened to me
Isn't 4 months aldready late for sudden hearing loss? @delta784
i dont have hearing loss yet. maybe i had last week i will go to ent today. I will get another test right ear is most bothersome and damaged right now its 15000 khz unmaskable tinnitus drives me mad since 1 week it came outta nowhere.
@delta784, i know man. Trust me I do. I've been there and even far worse situation. I hope everything goes well for you.
I just got an MRI done. Sounds do seem a little softer compared to before the MRI but so far my tinnitus is still the same as before.
Hey there how is your musical tinnitus?
Still full-blown. I currently wear earplugs to sleep. I don't think I'll see any improvement until that changes.
Officially two months with Tina. She's unpredictable. She's quiet in the morning, all kinds of sounds In both ears that change like the wind. She ramps up a little around 2pm and bothers me for the rest of the afternoon. She keeps me guessing. I can't even describe the sound in my left ear rn. It's like your grandmas squeeky porch swing. Back and fourth.
this dang ear rumbling is getting concerning
What rumbling exactly? Personally I can hear like rumbling like humming, when I try to strain my jaw. But I think I have always had that.
its like that one muscle in your ears that make this very loud rumbling noise I really dont know how to explain it, and I got this geiger counter tinnitus for a few seconds.
Yeah I get what you mean, I get that noise when I put my teeth together really hard for example. Geicer counter sounds awful. :/ I hope your T improves and stays away again.
Before Christmas my tinnitus was better than it'd ever been since I got it. Was usually just a faint white noise that I rarely ever thought about. Felt so very habituated..

Then on Christmas eve, my brother's shetland sheepdog let out her usual godawful loud highpiched bark 1,5m from my bad ear. And since then it's been bad again.. sigh.. 😞