I'm doing good right now, feeling normal and quiet. I'm not sure if drinking diluted DMSO plus putting some in my ear canal is helping? Time will tell.
Got some sleep last night, not a ton, took a Benadryl around after trying to sleep for hours @ 11 and fell asleep around 2-3 and slept in until 9 Still very tired but T seems less loud. I just want my normal sleep habits back.
Hi Jeff, I have the same type of tinnitus like you. How are you dong with it these days? You haven't posted here in years. Would be very appreciative if you"d answer. Thank you from Thailand
Yesterday was such a good and quiet day. I worked out and walked the dog and cleaned the house.. so why was I awake ALL night? T is louder today. Took a Benadryl that didn't work last night so don't know if it's from that or no sleep.
@Lipshitz yes I'm better my T is worse, but learning to deal with it better. I just stay busy, try not to think about it and do everything O use to do.
Hey - happy holidays to you and your family. Same thing happened to me yesterday. This disorder is insane. I am mostly isolated. Every time I do anything there is a price. Keep well my friend.
Merry Xmas everyone. Second half of 24's been a bit rough my side. Ears ain't getting better and that's where it's at. But somehow, I keep chiselling on through. If I can do it so can you. Big chin up for '25 to all my tinni pals
Had lots of trouble sleeping last night. Both ears were making noises, idk if it was louder than normal or just more bothersome. Had to take melatonin and a Benadryl to sleep around 1:30 am. So tired this am. Merry Christmas Eve.
Still having headaches. I think my T switches sides depending on how I lay my head at night? Idk. Wake up to a headache every morning. Yesterday was a relatively normal T day, mostly in my right ear. This morning the left is hissing more. Praying it stays quiet and doesn't ruin Christmas break with the kids
I just wanna hide in my bed for 1 year. Im going thru a really though spike. Meet someone when i was in the garage so i took out the earplug in one ear to talk to her. Then from NOWHERE a dog comes like 6 meters away 10 seconds after i removed my earplug and barks like a god damn maniac. I just stood there for 10 seconds baffled and frozen in respons before i put my finger in my ear.
The only way to cope with T is to get your mind of it. But this is getting extremely difficult when your T it has become physical pain, with symptoms like burning ears, facial/skull sensations and migraines. Because I don't want to take painkillers every day I found ginger shots help me coping with the migraines.