@4Grace yeah I'm doing good. Dealing with the noise so much better. Maybe I habituated. I just try to go on every day. I miss you too and pray you will eventually get better. I just pray mine never gets worse later on down the road.
As I'm working with AI lately and it amazes me every day I'm building hope scientific research using AI might help solving tinnitus and hyperacusis sooner than expected.
Seems i'm sentenced to take gabapentine on a daily basis. If I don't T is much more electrical/static and my ear channels burn. Resulting in a permanent headache. It sucks
Hello old friend. Miss you. Hope you are doing okay. Same old here. Too many words to describe my situation. I feel good enough to rejoin life. Just home bound. Just noise, no pain, hard but you can do it. No question.
In fifteen patients affected by essential nonvibratory tinnitus, local applications in the external auditive canal of 2 ml medicated DMSO spray were made. The spray solution contained DMSO integrated with anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory substances. This application was repeated every four...
Yes, the 1,000 $ treatment. Exactly 1,200 $...
...but when you consider that I have already spent over 4,000 euros on my German tinnitus counselor, it's almost "cheap" in comparison.
hello everyone. How is everyone doing? I'm still in the trenches of the hell. It's gonna be almost 8 months and it's still the same as the day it started. I won't ever change I know that. It feels like a fucking joke tbh. I still remember the day 1 as yesterday.
Noise all the time 24/7 buzzing, static, electricity. So much worse than last year. But yeah the noise is worse, but heating to deal with the sound a lot better. I still have days I don't think I will make it, but I keep busy, keep going and try not to think about my T. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to me and my family.
8mo update: Pretty much same as last mo. I have good news tho: someone at my work who got tinnitus a year ago has moments of silence. She used to have straight EEEEE, but now there are pauses in between. I'm going to take a break from posting monthly. I'll come back and post if anything changes for me.
Wow so it's been a year since my accident. I still regret that day but am so grateful to hear the way I do right now even though it's still not perfect.
It's gotten worse now I feel... Screaming 24/7 tinnitus in my ears now especially left ear for a few days now. I really hope it calms down and goes back to it's initial baseline, it's hard to concentrate properly in this noise
From what I understand DMSO can be beneficial for tinnitus either taken orally, put topically on your skin, or drops in the ear. I'm still learning the doses that are safely used.
Have constant 24/7 head tinnitus almost 6 years. Over the years my tinnitus fluctuated from roaring to hissing, generator and sometimes with clicking in the tinnitus left ear. My body is in constant fight and flight and don't know how to get out of it. I pray to God every night for some relief. I still live my life, travel and enjoy my family but want habituation.
Today i let a truck go past me while i was waiting at the crossroad. He honked at me as "saying thanks". Instant anxiety attack.... Man that thing was loud. Heard the truck horns can be 150 DB. Hope i dont get louder tinnitus from this, was inside the car but the honk was only like 4-5 metres away and superloud.
Need to go to the dentist root canal treatment: with over ear ear protection or without, what is your advice? Thanks in advance! And please, no doom talk
I didn't live with my partner at nox's worst, but I might as well have done - I spent most time outside of work with her, principally because she was so supportive. She suffers from minor T too, so could relate to an extent.