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Where are you up to old friend? I'm struggling at the minute, a variety of other health issues like you and no real tinnitus improvement. How you managing to cope?
Sorry for my late reply. And so sorry to hear you are struggling 😔 Any improvements at all?

I am struggling too. I can't believe it's been almost 2 years of this. I am definitely not the same person anymore. Are you planning to take part in Christmassy events? I fear all the noise.

I didn't go my works Christmas party and made excuses, having a really bad flare up right now and medication not working anymore. I honestly thought we'd be sharing success stories now and not the opposite ☹️
Hello Nes! Does clonazepam help you?
Hello! So far I took only two 0.25mg pills. It does help me sleep. It prevents me waking up from the tinnitus. I still wake up but I don't notice the tinnitus so I fall back asleep. The first time I got a very quiet day, but since i also got my period on the same day, I'm not sure which caused which.
@Alberte also worth noting that I was prescribed clonazepam for my sleep issues and restless legs syndrome/muscle spasms. For those issues, the clonazepam is working perfectly fine
I'd like to apologise to the moderators who have to correct all my broken english posts. Sorry :sorry:
I am still here battling these afflictions. I will not give up. Everyday has pushed me to my limit, but I will continue to exceed them. I pray for everyone and anyone dealing with this, regardless of the difficulties that you face. It's been 5 years with nox and almost 10 with T. I love you all and hope that I can find the love for myself in the midst of tragedy and anguish.
Who knew plastic containers can sound like a bomb when opening them. And no I'm not on any drugs or alcohol!
I completely agree!! Until recently I had to ask my husband/children to take all the plastic wrappers off the food for me. Now I can just about manage them with ear protection on. How do you explain that to normal people?! 😂
Would increased intake of sugar and caffeine also increase the sound your tinnitus? Had a sweet tooth the last couple of weeks and have noticed a heightened volume. Curious if people had the same.
For some people, yes. Diet doesn't seem to have any effect on mine over the years.
Earplugs keep falling out of my ears :/ idk if this is even viable, I might have to try different tip sizes. Kinda nervous to do that though since last time I went one size higher and it felt uncomfortable but might be because I didn't insert it correctly idk. This is annoying.
@weehiru Yeah I've heard of them but, I've also heard people thought they were uncomfortable so I don't know if I will be able to wear them for a long commute. But maybe I should still give them a try, it's at least cheaper than buying custom earplugs from an audiologist.
Buy custom-moulded silicon earplugs. I use GN Sleep plugs (Australia). Cost $152/pair. Knocks off ~40dB off ambient sounds. I have them in for most daytime hours.
@trevl That's my problem, those are really expensive... Maybe someday but I can't afford that right now. :/
Waking up with burning ears and going to sleep with even more intens burning ears. It's a constant torture. Really wouldn't mind not waking up.
It's been louder for me for a few days now. I'm grateful that the anxiety isn't here towards it anymore - but it's still annoying to sit through and can be hard reminding myself to try and tune it out over and over again. I'm getting there.
Feeling Raw today. Failure to distract or mask on all levels. Just a spike... just a spike. Hope all my friends here are coping well enough. Much Love!
Yes it can improve a lot. The first months my dysacusis was about over everything. Nowadays it is just shower and church bells. Those sounds are distorted.
Mine makes whistling sound on top of tv sometimes mostly in shower and ac fans its like morse code beeps or whistling i am only 29 how is yours
New tone today. Probably my 9th or 10th at this point. It's hard to keep track. This one is incredibly loud and in my left ear.
Can you describe me your dysacusis? I am 29 it beeps over the certain sounds vacuum cleaner shower ac fans and even watching TV sometimes can this improve i need it badly?
Hows your dysacusis brother
Everything pretty good. Still have annoying tinnitus, and it just seems like I can't hear perfectly. But I am fine. Kinda used to it now
happy for you brother reactive tinnitus kills me :(
Royally depressed. Hyperacusis has improved but reactivity is bad and variable. There are days I cannot listen to the radio at 50db without the tinnitus screaming over the top of it. How has your week been @Cmspgran
I'm new to the forum sorry if this isn't the right spot to reply, still learning how to navigate it.

I have a similar problem too Nick. My workaround was using an equalizer on my computer. I removed all frequencies higher than 5000 hertz so the offending frequencies wouldn't trigger the sound distortions. I use my computer for listening to all digital audio now as it is now the only viable way.
Really sorry to hear @Nick47 , I know first hand the mental toll reactivity can have. Mines not great tbh it's so variable, you still trying a mix of treatments? Do you do any quiet hobbies that can try to take some of your mind off?
I got my reactivity to resolve. High quality fish oil, Magnesium malate and astaxanthin. I think these play a minor role in helping. Protecting my ears religiously and avoiding almost all sounds for a few months worked. had more to say. hit char limit, will make intro post. Does your own voice create the distortions?
Hi @ErikaS have you got over your bout of illness yet. My reactivity is still BAD and VARIABLE. How has your condition been over the last week?
Hey @Nick47 sorry I had a very busy week at work and wasn't coming on much. Yes illness is gone and thankfully no significant setback from that. All in all, I'm managing okay and better than 4 weeks ago. I have moments where it's a lot and reactivity is still super sensitive, but it's not nearly as constant.
@Nick47 last weekend I went out to dinner with a friend Saturday night at a medium level noise restaurant and was there for 3ish hours, then Sunday was at my sisters for a small gathering for her husbands birthday. Monday and Tuesday were exacerbated, but rebounded to more tolorable levels. I TRULY believe this is mainly me healing from the ear plugs and the effect they had on my nerves.
@Nick47 also currently doing .25mg during day and .5mg at night just from illness and very hectic work week. I will also say the mindset of keeping myself occupied/distracted very much helps me. Distortions are much quieter and crazy sounds that came on in August have calmed down a lot.
Just wondering if anyone could fill me in with anything in research, any new drug companies trying to tackle hearing loss or tinnitus treatments
Hi @MAH1970 What's your dosage and strategy with the Gabapentin at the moment? You still going up & down on it?
Hi Nick, I have changed my Gabapantin dose quite a bit over the past couple years. Usually I have been on 300mg but have increased to get lower tinnitus but then it's always no fun having to back down. As well as deal with the drowsy side affects of being on a higher dose. There is always a tolerance issue with this drug as well I have noticed.
7mo update: Same as last month, 2/10-5/10 high pitched hissing. I no longer think about it except in the car with the windows up and when trying to sleep. I'm no longer suicidal over it and haven't been for the last 2 months, but I still hope it continues to fade.
Hello is your morse code gone? I developed after medication called prednisolone (i am devastated at the age of 29 i also have sound distortions)
Do you also have nox,dysacusis and h ? alongside with T, i have loudness h (mild thank god), dysacusis and moderate t left ear severe t right ear. Most bothersome issue is always with my right ear
I finally got clonazepam prescribed instead of clorazepate! I really hope it will help spikes
Do sudden sounds hurt you?
@adpolandam no. White/fan/Ac noises give me tingling nerve pain in my face though
Always these meetings.... Everyone is polite and behaves until some random person 1 meter away from me starts to clapping hes hands like a maniac while someone talks for 5-8 seconds. I couldnt plug my ears since i was trying to listen to the other person 3 meters away that was talking. It was a small room 2x4 meters so it echoed very loudly. I hope this wont cause a spike, i was doing so good this week.
My noiseless pc setup using a steam deck is up and ready ! This console has been the best thing i bought in 2024
Some of the PC cases produced by Fractal Design have sound dampening material lining the inside.
@Lurius I will probably make a post with the specifics (comments are way too short) , but I use sunshine and moonlight to stream my pc to my deck, which is connected to a monitor. It works surprisingly well with 0 latency
@Lurius another solution I've stumbled upon and which is my end goal is to use thunderbolt with a kvm extender and optical display port cables to use directly the pc from another room. More expensive and requires cables to run across all appartement, but better quality