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Went to neurotologist. He said he can't help me. T is going crazy from car ride and talking, running out of benzos for taper. I truly feel like it's over for me.
Joshua Macleod
No, I had the same response from neurology, audiology etc.

My favourite bit of advice was to not think about it. You can tell that that person never suffered with T, let alone H or N.
Joshua Macleod
I'm sorry I can't give you amazing advice (I don't even know if exposure is a good idea, or whether silence is best...), but please hang on for symptoms to improve. Message me on here as and when you need; sorry if I take a while to get back to you.
Because I couldn't handle the pain and burning sensations I took Tramadol. Of course this doesn't decrease tinnitus but it's been 2 days now and the burning isn't intense as usual. H is also still very bad.
Haven't been here in months! Doing better going on small rd trips listening to music again going out again.
Still have reactive T but not letting it control me anymore
Good to hear! Thats the way forward with reactive t @Sammy0225 Once you are in control of your own reaction pattern to it, things will slowly start to get a lot more manageable in regards to its reactive nature.
Due to my mental health, I have to start taking the mood stabilizer lamictal/lamotrigine. I'm terrified that it's going to make my T worse. I have a friend who takes it and also has T and said it didn't make it worse, so that's good I guess.
@henkess I've also seen incidents where it has helped people's T, and others where it has no positive or negative impact on it. It really is just individual. Hoping it at least doesn't worsen mine. I don't have much of a choice as I need to take this med.
@TheCapybara Thanks, I hope you are too! My T is ever present and still bothers me sometimes. Most of the time it's just a nuisance that I try not to think about but I do have moments where it brings me anxiety. An ongoing battle as I'm sure you know!! Hope you're hanging in there.
I tried paraflex its a muscle relaxant no drug or anything. Quite harmless. And it lowers my Tinnitus a little.
I don't think I can do this :(
You can, I know you're scared but you'll make it through... it feels horrible and intrusive but it's not an actual threat even if your entire being is trying to tell you otherwise, it will get better.

Try and do something to distract (I bought a block of modelling clay and took up sculpting) & to de-stress, even if it's just for 30 seconds with a breathing exercise, we've all got to start somewhere!
I left my band today. I had to give up another thing that I loved. Everyone was outraged and no one could understand it. After all, nobody had T. Only me. T takes everything from you. Until there's nothing left of you. Just like listening to music, or sitting in silence. Or sleep.
Yeah, how dare you prioritise your wellbeing, health, and hearing over the band? That's messed up... I can't see how an unsupportive group would have worked had you progressed further together and by the sounds of it, some of them might eventually be joining you on this journey.

It does take a lot from us, it's cruel, but, I do think you will make some kind of peace with it within your self imposed time frame.
Hi! You seem like you're improved somewhat. What was your T and nox like at its worst?
Also, about how long was it from debilitating to tolerable?
Joshua Macleod
I'm really sorry to hear you're going through it, @vilebubbles. It is a set of symptoms that people struggle to sympathise with unless they too have suffered.
Joshua Macleod
It was debilitating, for me, for maybe 6-9 months. This doesn't mean yours will be for as long, nor does it mean if you suffer for longer that it won't improve. I tried everything (except medication) to improve, and have subsequently been able to reintroduce many things back into my life (e.g. sitting in a car, attending meetings).
I wonder if an infected tooth root can cause tinnitus? I just got my left lower molar extracted after a panoramic dental X-ray showed some issues with at least 2 of my teeth.
I made a decision today with a heavy heart. I'm not going to live like this. F*** you "god", or "universe" or whatever it is that has thrown us here into this torturous existence. I'm going to try to last a year, maybe I'll make it to 1.5. If it's not better then, I'm going to kil this useless scrap heap of a body.
I started waking up at night with panic attacks and developed depression. I've had a lot of stress in my life in recent years which may be the reason for the panic attacks and depression, but I can't figure out where the tinnitus came from. At least four doctors have been of zero help. Like I said, I still have the ringing, but I simply don't notice it as much.
I came across something called Zenotone and tried to post about it yesterday, but for some reason it's not showing. I wasn't trying to advertise the stuff, but wan't to know if anyone here had heard about it or tried it. I posted a link to the website for information. I think it's about $100 for three months supply, which I'd pay $1,000 if it actually worked.
Are we not allowed to post links here? Maybe that's why it doesn't show up. I know most of the stuff advertised for tinnitus is BS, but this "seemed" to be more legitimate. (I had to break my post into four parts because of the 420 character limit. WOW! WHY?!)
Last year I tried launching a Kickstarter, and then a hurricane hit my home and things derailed from there. Now that my business model has changed, I might actually get results. I'm so relieved.
My update; Ear burning getting worse. T fluctuates from pure hell to severe based on Ativan dose.
Hey, I am in klonopin withdrawal, 15 months along. My tinnitus is pretty bad the past few days. I have about 8 tones altogether, but some days are a lot better and I it seems more like 3/4 tones. Hang in there… I have an 8 year old and an 8 month old. You seem really scared.
I am very scared. Thank you for your encouragement.
This current spike is gradually and expertly eroding the layers of psychological defense I built over the last few years. Tinnitus is just Evil. Plain and Simple.
Samsies... Nearly 4 and half years ago when this all started, I thought I'd just have to turn my music down, get used to it, and that would be that. I wish it had been that simple.
I definitely feel that. I keep a card my daughter made for me that says "You got this!" On my dresser and read it every morning. It keeps me going
@Tryn2BHopeful I love that for you. I live for my kids! They a great motivator to fight on.
My tinnitus got bad after SSRI withdrawal and benzo wd. Do you think I should take b1? Will it
nothing will fix it.
b6 will def. worsen it.
i dont know about b1. It's been a long time ago since i did research on these. Don't remember much.
but if you ask me, i'd say dont take anything at all.
Hello everyone 👋 I'm back with an update. My T is still there and spikes have become less and less. I am living life more normally despite this's still annoying most days but I'm pushing through. Reactivity is wayyyyy down but still there....nothing like it was though. Hyperacusis is about 95% gone. I'm just reaching 2 years into this.
@Tryn2BHopeful Take it 1 day at a time and you will heal again. Just have to be careful. This is a beast of a condition!
@Stayinghopeful Hey old friend! Yes! Life is about as normal as it's gonna get. I go out now and continue living like I was before T. I avoid concerts still but have been to weddings and just fine with the DJ. I hope you're doing well!
@henkess Yes! Hyperacusis can be a beast but it's also beatable. I hope you're doing well.
On Monday February 24, I had a visit at the dentist where they used a high speed rotationary tool to cut a teeth in half to extract it. The tinnitus got more noticeable today.

Did you personally take dexamethasone ?
any side effects ?
pls advise tku
How are you doing? My taper is going so so bad.
I am a little better despite it all. You have not been on the benzos for long. That is really good I think! I hope you'll get better!
That's great. Did you stay on clon or taper it?
Feel like the first person to ever have a positive ENT trip... didn't change matters, but he agreed with my self-diagnosis, told me to protect as much as possible and was honest that an MRI would be too noisy and probably not find much that would change matters.
Plus I got to look up my nose just for fun.