Went to neurotologist. He said he can't help me. T is going crazy from car ride and talking, running out of benzos for taper. I truly feel like it's over for me.
Because I couldn't handle the pain and burning sensations I took Tramadol. Of course this doesn't decrease tinnitus but it's been 2 days now and the burning isn't intense as usual. H is also still very bad.
Due to my mental health, I have to start taking the mood stabilizer lamictal/lamotrigine. I'm terrified that it's going to make my T worse. I have a friend who takes it and also has T and said it didn't make it worse, so that's good I guess.
I left my band today. I had to give up another thing that I loved. Everyone was outraged and no one could understand it. After all, nobody had T. Only me. T takes everything from you. Until there's nothing left of you. Just like listening to music, or sitting in silence. Or sleep.
I wonder if an infected tooth root can cause tinnitus? I just got my left lower molar extracted after a panoramic dental X-ray showed some issues with at least 2 of my teeth.
I made a decision today with a heavy heart. I'm not going to live like this. F*** you "god", or "universe" or whatever it is that has thrown us here into this torturous existence. I'm going to try to last a year, maybe I'll make it to 1.5. If it's not better then, I'm going to kil this useless scrap heap of a body.
Last year I tried launching a Kickstarter, and then a hurricane hit my home and things derailed from there. Now that my business model has changed, I might actually get results. I'm so relieved.
Hey, I am in klonopin withdrawal, 15 months along. My tinnitus is pretty bad the past few days. I have about 8 tones altogether, but some days are a lot better and I it seems more like 3/4 tones. Hang in there… I have an 8 year old and an 8 month old. You seem really scared.
This current spike is gradually and expertly eroding the layers of psychological defense I built over the last few years. Tinnitus is just Evil. Plain and Simple.
Hello everyone I'm back with an update. My T is still there and spikes have become less and less. I am living life more normally despite this noise..it's still annoying most days but I'm pushing through. Reactivity is wayyyyy down but still there....nothing like it was though. Hyperacusis is about 95% gone. I'm just reaching 2 years into this.
On Monday February 24, I had a visit at the dentist where they used a high speed rotationary tool to cut a teeth in half to extract it. The tinnitus got more noticeable today.
Feel like the first person to ever have a positive ENT trip... didn't change matters, but he agreed with my self-diagnosis, told me to protect as much as possible and was honest that an MRI would be too noisy and probably not find much that would change matters.
Plus I got to look up my nose just for fun.