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I get a tingling sensation from my cheekbone to above my lips when i'm exposed to too much sound. It's not painful but it's annoying. I used to get that when i was very stressed or when my tmj is very bad.
Does anyone else have that?
Not exactly but I think I know what you mean, sounds like your face is subconsciously tightening and it's just muscle tightness so as you say, stress & maybe extra focusing due to hearing loss?
Only solution is going to be relaxing and accepting that normal sounds aren't hurting anything... which will probably just happen with time.
  • Nes


@Scruffiey probably just stress as I do not have (visible) hearing loss! I always thought my tmj damaged my nerve, but the tightening hypothesis makes much more sense
@Nes Could just be the TMJ, but I'm thinking if it was nerve damage you'd be getting more actual numbness than just tingling and possibly some pain or cold/warmth.
Guess one way to test it... once it's settled down, purposefully tense up your face for a minute or two and see if it's the same feeling?
Today there was a "heated meeting" for like 20-30 min where ppl where raising their voices alot talking about some issues at my workplace. i sat there like an idiot without earplugs and got stressed in this 4X4 metre room with like 10 people. Should just have put my earplugs in. Got a spike. Hopefully just because of the stress of being in that enviroment. Just use ur normal indoor voice god damit....
Haha yeah thats weird! Only them who have the most trouble are welcome 😅 All i got was the intruduction day with some people and a tinnitus "expert", then a meeting with a doctor specialst on tinnitus. And then they start to decide which person in the groups who are welcome 😆
Sounds like you are better off without that group I think :LOL:
Yes screw that tinnitus group 😆
Yesterday wasn't too bad. We will see what today holds. Left ear feeling very sensitive and popping along with unstable tinnitus and H in both ears still. Nox seems…controlled? (Fingers crossed).
Joshua Macleod
My fingers are crossed for you, mate. Taking it day by day feels so difficult but you're doing great.
thank you. Today was weird. I took a nap and as I was falling asleep my ears began just screaming with a new tone. It left but it was terrifying…for now I'm back to baseline auditory nightmare lol.
I'm skeptical of the idea of making tinnitus worse at very low volume from headphones, especially if you take frequent breaks and such.
@adpolandam Yeah sorry if it came off a bit ignorant. That's good that you can give up using headphones. I wish I geniunely could but at the moment it doesn't feel like I can :/
@orenge01 Well, it's really your call... can you cope with a worsening of your tinnitus? Was it originally caused by noise damage?

Me, this level of tinnitus is something I can just about deal with, it was noise induced and no in ear audio seems like a really small sacrifice even if it just potentially prevents worsening.

If it gets bad, you'll be sacrificing more than headphones.
@Scruffiey I feel like its been ok, and I barely listen to music or audio as much as I used to anymore through headphones. That's why I use a balanced approach I don't know what else to do. Probably caused by loud noise, but it was loud I listen to and I listen 1-2% volumes always now for years. But just wearing normal non-anc headphones without sound is apparently bad as well. Idk.
Well, i don't think i'll be able to get out of my protections in my house. Constant vacuum and power tool noises today. Yesterday got blasted with a high pitch pure tone coming out of nowhere. Looking to move out
So sorry. Same for me. Constant cars going by and family. Love them so much but they can be loud.
i injected lidocaine inside my eardrum, T immediately got turned off, but I got vertigo because the fucking cochlear and vestibular are connected to each other, I got punished heavily for this try by the creator.its like they are telling me don't touch the untouchable
Complete turn off or reduction? How long did it last? Any other side effects? Sorry too many questions. I guess you can take some vertigo medication with it and balance it out?
like completely turned off but the total sound also got thinner, after about 20 minutes , t started slowing fade in, then about two hours, it completely returned to normal level, at the same time the vertigo started to fade out but not completely disappear even after very long time
Today is day 5 of taking lamictal/lamotrigine. Last night I noticed a new tone in my right ear that is still there today. Could just be a spike but if it persists tomorrow I'm probably going to stop the medicine.
It really sucks because I struggle so bad with my mental health. I can't and don't function. But so many mental health meds can aggravate existing tinnitus or even cause it. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Hi How long did it take you manage your tinnitus? I was good for some years but its getting worse i think, for no reason :(
@henkess it has taken me over a year to learn to deal with it. Mine is a buzzing, static, electricity 24/7. I have to have my sound machine still 24/7. I finally went back to work though a while back. When I first got it, I about went crazy and lost 30 pounds in about 3 weeks.I guess maybe I have habituated.
Oh seems hard to deal with. Happy you feel some relief atleast. Where did you get that sound machine?
Update: Something new. my lowpitch tone on my bad left ear is now louder than the high pitch one. I don't know why. It's now something like 980 hz. I wonder how i can habituate to this, if its fluctuating all the time. This is new. Does this mean, that im improving?
You're only a couple of months in if I remember, yeah? It does fluctuate for the first few months to a year, try not to read too much in to each and every change, it will almost certainly settle down.

I had a regular eee turn to an extremely loud siren & screams that's gone down to a gentle buzzing and hoovering noise over 4.5 months. Had physical vibration, fluttering, fleeting squeals, and all sorts along the way.
Thanks for your comment. if i understand correctly, you have also had your T since october 2024.

I honestly don't notice that "something is settling down". I envy your confidence. I'm happy about small changes. Unfortunately, I lack the imagination to believe that it can still improve. I've reached a point where I'm fed up with it. I'm going to get Noisers soon.
Trying to stop wearing earmuffs in my home. The psychological aspect is hard to overcome ! On a good note, my reactive tinnitus is a bit less reactive.
Try sticking some cotton wool in your ears, it's a little bit of defence without too much rebound when you take it out, plus it's a fairly comforting feeling.

But I'd still wear the muffs in the kitchen my self, better safe than sorry!
Yesterday was my "good day". From the morning riding on 3 boiling kettles plus star wars in my ears
I have star wars too and headache and pressure. Plus a high pitched eeeee (this one comes and goes but alien ones stay). I'm glad you had a good morning.
hello, have you tried any other medication since getting T? what has been your experience like with taking other meds or vaccines?
Something is still haywire in my left ear. I'm getting a CT scan of the temporal bone done. I wanted a CT scan done of my TMJ but am unable to find a Dr. to order one.
I just saw the neurologist today. He is now referring me to a surgeon and to an EMG test.
What are your issues? What are they looking for with that? I've also been having muscle twitches all over the body for many years, and the last 2 it also hit my ears with MEM/spasms/fluttering, so maybe a visit to neurologist or an EMG would be worth it.
@DimLeb I have multiple herniated discs and bone spurs in my neck causing moderate to severe spinal stenosis. About 15 months ago, I started to get constant twitching and vibrating on the left side of my body along with MEM with my left ear. Was finally referred to a neurologist and then an MRI and this is what was found.
@DimLeb I should add that I also have a history of neck pain and burning pain in my hands, arms and shoulders. The pain has been off and on throughout the last 5 to 10 years. The twitching and vibrating has been there constantly since it started in December of 2023. The MEM comes and goes. My left ear fluttered some yesterday but not today.
Been a really hard week with a loud spike that seems like it came after the change of wheelbearing on my car. Im also very tensed and i feel abit more sensitive to sounds. Im also VERY tired. on saturday its childbirthday...... Hate those birthdays with 7 hours of intense screaming children running around me......
Had to raise my voice for 2 sentences at the glass screened bank counter. Now i'm left with a painfull left ear.
Haven't posted in a while but want to share this random and unfortunate effect of what I think is from licorice root extract. Started taking a supplement with this in it (dose is up to 350mg) with some other things to help treat gastritis. Ever since starting the supplement four days ago, tinnitus, reactivity, and inner ear vibrations have notably worsened…
I can't imagine it wouldn't just be temporary or else we'd probably have heard of it causing tinnitus before!

Shame though... I've got a big bag of licorice I got at Christmas and now I can't risk eating it.
Sorry to hear this @ErikaS That being said, taking a supplement like this for just a few days, which in itself is harmless, won't leave you with a lasting spike. It might stick around for some times, at the worst, but I,m sure it will calm down again.
Thank you for the encouragement @MindOverMatter and @Scruffiey .. ears are still very exacerbated. They were somewhat heightened before this just due to life and a travel a little over a month ago, but notably spiked in all ways this week and it aligned with this supplement. Hoping it doesn't take too long to stabilize.
Hope you're doing ok.
Wait, so they're just expecting you to come off them without more tapering?!
Yes :/
That is not good, I don't know why medical personnel don't seem to be aware of the tinnitus risks of some drugs. Standard antidepressants made mine spike, so did the antibiotics I had to take. Good news is, the spikes weren't permanent. Hope it is the same for you.