Treatments and research that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. Beware: what you see here is mostly unproven and scientifically questionable.
Before Christmas my tinnitus was better than it'd ever been since I got it. Was usually just a faint white noise that I rarely ever thought about. Felt so very habituated..
Then on Christmas eve, my brother's shetland sheepdog let out her usual godawful loud highpiched bark 1,5m from my bad ear. And since then it's been bad again.. sigh..
I haven't been on this site in a while, since I've pretty much habituated to my tinnitus and am happy with my progress. Still want to keep up with research news, sending my luck to anyone still struggling.
My left ear has started to ring but my audiologist thinks it's ramping up trying to make up for the moderate to severe hearing loss in my right. Hearing aid comes in next Friday.
Had a bad T day yesterday. some of it to do with anxiety, some of it stress, and of course the fail proof demon of noise. I had SUCH a good day the day before which also made yesterday difficult luckily was able to grab a couple hours of sleep (although choppy) and hoping it's improved or i'm at least calmer with dealing with it.