Treatments and research that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. Beware: what you see here is mostly unproven and scientifically questionable.
The CT scan of my left temporal bone shows some issues. I have very loud brutal tinnitus in my left ear at 5:30 am. I hope surgery will give me relief.
Realising the hearing regeneration I'd pinned my hopes on probably isn't going to be suitable for me is really crushing me right now... The hearing loss isn't even really an issue, I just want the tinnitus & hyperacusis gone so I can go to the shops without ear plugs. A life of solitude & suffering is no life at all.
No longer able to sleep over 3 hours even on benzos. T is too intrusive and h causes every noise to jolt me awake. Nox is off and on I guess.
Accidentally messed up my benzo cross taper and was taking way too little. Went up to almost the correct dose but it isn't working.