
It Wasn't TMJ, It Was Just a Misaligned Jaw!
I've posted a couple of times about how my daughter developed Very Loud T and resolved it by going to a dentist who said she had TMJ and fitted her with a "positioning splint" which she wore 24/7 and finally it totally cured her T. Well I talked with her further today and she said she never did have TMJ, had no symptoms of TMJ and in fact no symptoms of anything at all, other than the T. But a friend convinced her to go to this dentist (who does TMJ therapy) and the X-rays showed her jaw was very slightly out of alignment. Thus the splint. It took almost 2 years of wearing it to move her jaw back in place, she said it took 6 months before it started getting quieter but after that she saw continuing improvement till finally, blessed silence!

He told her she probably has always has a misaligned jaw but as she aged (she's now in her 40s) it finally went that last millimeter too far and impinged on her auditory nerve.

So now I have tinnitus. I'm going to her dentist soon and have him check me out!