
Tinnitus Gone
Hi Kotyn, that's great to hear. I also thought I wouldn't have silence until I was no longer alive. I think it's very hard for someone who hasn't experienced tinnitus to realise how debilitating this is. The exercises work, but remember the first experiences of silence will most likely go unregistered since part of the training is not to check up on tinnitus, and to more or less force your focus all you can onto other sounds through tinnitus. So it can be a bit anti-climactic to not really realise when it all starts to work. Just like life pre-tinnitus, it becomes something you don't have to train yourself to conquer, but the road can be long and hard. I thought I couldn't be rid of it even while doing the training, so remember that whether you feel optimistic or defeated, it's always about the doing. Update me on your progress if you like :)